
RLP politician as OSZE leader at US-Wahl 2024

RLP politician as OSZE leader at US-Wahl 2024

Trump or Harris? The Präsidentschaftswahl in the US would be a scary Rennen. De corrected ablauf überprüfen ausländische Wahlbeoachter. The SPD politician Joe Weingarten from Bad Kreuznach is one of the people.

Hinsehen, Notizen machen, messagerstatten. So look for Joe Weingarten’s Auftrag in the Kurzform form. As one of the 180-strong groups of the European Security Organization OSZE-wird Weingarten am Dienstag – dem eigentlichen Wahltag – in the US-Bundesstaat Maryland Stimmabgaben und Auszählungen überprüfen. Ausgestattet with a diplomat’s pass and as a “quieter beobachter”, like Weingarten in SWR-Gespräch erzählt. The fact is that power is being seized and there is a good chance that politics will not resolve it.

The SPD politician Joe Weingarten from Bad Kreuznach, who is with the Rede in the Bundestag, is an OSZE campaigner in the American presidential elections in the Einsatz

SPD politician Joe Weingarten from Bad Kreuznach, here at the Speech in the Bundestag, is an OSZE campaigner at the American presidential elections in the Einsatz

dpa Bildfunk

photo alliance/dpa | Britta Pedersen

Since November 2019, the Social Democratic Party for the Wahlkreis Bad Kreuznach/Birkenfeld in the Bundestag. At the OSZE, the Organization for Security and Social Work in Europe, the Weingarten Mitglied der parliamentary Versammlung and at the US-Wahl 2024 is one of the official OSZE Beobachters in Rheinland-Pfalz. The Beobachterinnen and Beobachter come from 40 Ländern – Darunter since zwölf Deutsche. Weingarten depicts a team with a college from the FDP Bundestagsfraktion.

20 to 25 Wahllokale was called in with the service council in the US Federal State of Maryland, for about 30 minutes, so Weingarten. At 7 a.m. Ortszeit is released. The evaluation of the results was described in two days. In Washington it concerns the official OSZE monitor of an investigation into the American Wahl system and information about the interests of local jewelers. Dort, so Weingarten, then became another control with his German Kollegin, where the Wählerinnen and Wähler could keep their secret secret and the transfer of the Bee influence gab or gibt, beispielsweise during the Werbung. But unregulatable erwartet Weingarten eigentlich nicht: “Das würde mich wundern”.

Maryland gold-plated as a State of Democrats. The Bewohnerinnen and Bewohners all started with Harris-friendliness. If the “Swing States”, also called the States, are not grim umkämpft and will be separated for the Wahlausgang vermutlich if they no longer exist in Maryland.

“Aggressive” Politik-Stil von Republikaner Donald Trump

If the Wahl meets the candidates or American politics, the OSZE manager will not make any decisions. “Not in the Wahllokalen and not on social media,” says Weingarten.

I speak to the SWR power of the SPD politician about a German independence candidate for the Democrats, Kamala Harris and the Republican Donald Trump. Trump’s Politik-Stil is a more “aggressive” one. With Trump it is more of a “joke” – different with Joe Biden (amateur of the American president; Ed.). Biden is een berechenbarer gewesen als his Amts-Vorgänger und möglicher Nachfolger.

Trump who became Harris from Germany more own sources and higher sales results.

Egal, wer am Ende der 47. President of the US Secretary of State said: Joe Weingarten came out, that is a President Donald Trump as President Kamala Harris Forderungen and Deutschland set were: Zum einen, dass Deutschland sich in de Lage nicht, sich eigenbst zu schützen. Other than that, the German representation within NATO is being discussed at a higher level.

Weingarten: Keine Veränderungen in the US-Luftwaffe in RLP

While the great berührungspunkt of Rhineland-Palatinate and the United States is the army, Joe Weingarten is certain after his own Angaben, which is most useful in the American Luftwaffe after the Präsidentschaftswahl, which has not won any merit. “Ramstein will be happy for the Nahen Osten (…)”, thus the SPD politician. A new hospital in Weilerbach was founded.


An F-16 Kampfjet of the US Air Force has an air base in Spangdahlem ab.

US-Truppenabzug wahrscheinlich
There was a Trump Siege for Ramstein and Spangdahlem in power

About 50,000 American soldiers are now stationed in Rhineland-Palatinate. If we agree that US President Donald Trump has heard from the following experts.

SWR4 am Nachmittag


Unlike the US Air Force, Weingarten assesses the situation with the US Army in Rhineland-Palatinate. Here you can spend time with the “reinen Kampftruppen” bowls.

The Androhung von Strafzöllen auf Waren von Unternehmen, which are not produced in the USA, that will be welded for all German Unternehmen aufschrecken. There are no other countries that export to the world, so they fell into the USA in Germany. Bislang has now committed a Solche Drohung against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The SPD Bundestagsabgeordneter Weingarten is in itself, in itself German, and damned a Rheinland-Pfälzische unternehmen after the US-Wahl auf jeden Fall auf Veränderungen in Handel with the USA einstellen müssen. I think Trump is also the Kamala Harris candidate who has taken interest in the forefront, so Weingarten.

The service or the first time the attack or the attack on the US-Wahl 2024 took place. Joe Weingarten from Bad Kreuznach was part of the US-Wahl 2024 in the meantime, after the OSZE appeared in the Wahlbeobachter-Abschlussbericht.