
Hoffnung auf Nahost-Waffenruhe for US-Wahl schwindet wieder

Hoffnung auf Nahost-Waffenruhe for US-Wahl schwindet wieder

The Israeli army no longer has any idea of ​​Stellungnahme vor. In the southern part of the Lebanese main city of Beirut, journalists from the Nachrichtenagentur Reuters in Morgen are very concerned. It was the first bombing of the areas that quickly lasted a week.

The Angriffe lassen kaum Hoffnung bestehen, dass es voor de Präsidentschaftswahl in de USA is een kommenden Dienst or een de Einstellung der Kampfhandlungen kommen könnte. The Commissariat Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, war Israel is concerned about the behavior of the people in the country. Israel lehne debauchery and best he “den Ansatz, zu töten and zu zerstören”.

Israel is struggling in the Gaza Strip with the militant Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas and in Lebanon against the Hisbollah Military. Both groups were destroyed by Israel’s Erzfeind Iran. The US is the most influential Israelis. President Joe Biden’s administration insists on staying at the end of the camp for a long time. This American insider sister follows the Lebanese Regie on a Waffenruhe with Israel that stands out. In short, the festgefahrenes of the fight against Israel and their vom Iran have disinherited radical Hisbollah soldiers. The US-Sandte Amos Hochstein has the Anliegen Mikati-vorgetragen.

Mikatis Bureau dementiarte jedoch in a Erklärung gegenüber Reuters die Angaben, who come from a range of Lebanese informants and a range of Diplomats. The concrete bureau, which was put under the direction of both conflict parties, was a transposition of the UNO Security Council Resolution 1701, which put an end to the devastating camps in Israel and the Hisbollah in 2006. The war of the US-Botschaft in Beirut for a Stellungnahme will no longer exist.