
Erster Anbauverein gave Cannabis and Mitglieder aus

Erster Anbauverein gave Cannabis and Mitglieder aus

Die Blüten lie prepared – een Anbauvereinigung aus Ganderkesee gibt erstmals Cannabis en seine Mitglieder aus. Der Club started Anbau en ernte früher als oder Anbauvereinigungen in Deutschland.

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Ganderkesee – With a single cannabis plant in the Lower Saxony region of Oldenburg, they can consume the same portion of the first portions of the Rauschmittels. After dealing with the Cannabis Social Club, Ganderkesee acts in his Bundesweit the first legal cannabis Abgabe, which relies on the illegal production of cannabis. Der Verein is a 100-minute drive away, it is no longer possible. Pro Person comes with 25 grams of cannabis. “It is a wonderful moment that we are aware of the wartted situation. Jedes Gramm, that is a Gramm, that was not purchased at the Schwarzmarkt, said a Vereinsprecherin.

With Bilderstrecke

Club boss Daniel Keune – nor in the Wachstums phase of the Pflanzen – is prepared: The lost Woche rund um die Ernte sei zwar “strengthened, aber unglaublich positiv” gewesen. There is talk of “a very good thing”.

Seit July dürfen in Deutschland Cannabis-Anbauvereine für de gemeinschaftlichen Anbau und de Weitergabe von Cannabis-zugelassen were. The club in Ganderkesee is working on the first Verein in Germany, a legal cannabis erführte in October. After part of the Bundesdrogen beauftragten had started, the other company could no longer start. Aber: „We have more information about the genetics and support of individual organizations.“ The Behörde is also known, that the Society in Ganderkesee is already fort geschwritten.

More than 1,000 people on the list

After the legalization of cannabis, commercial production is no longer possible with only 500 pieces. The Cannabis Social Club Ganderkesee has this Zahl schnell erreicht. “We will spend a long time with a minimum of 1,000 Leuten,” said the speaker. It is a matter of being a human being in the Alter from 18 to 76 years old. “That’s totally exciting, we know so much,” says the speaker, who doesn’t kiff after owning Angaben himself. “There is a very few in the core team who have not purchased cannabis,” this reports. I am a company that works with its friends. It is good that the illegal cannabis market is being opened.

Aufklärung über verantwortungsbewussten Konsum

In the Club, Erwachsene Cannabis can be used and no longer used for personal use. It’s a good idea to charge – etwa for general and legal protection. “There is no problem, there are no first-class products that are sweet, but it is a matter of trust and responsible use of cannabis aufzuklären,” written by the Vorsitzende des Vereins, Daniel Keune, on the homepage of the clubs. “If you have an idea of ​​​​the risk and the guideline value for cannabis with cannabis, there is a positive effect on life and living in an unsellschaft of your life.”

A plantation with cannabis plants: Mittlerweile has 38 Associations of the Landwirtschaftskammer Lower Saxony and Anbau der Hanfpflanzen for the private Konsum beantragt.

Stefan Idel

Büro Hannover


After the Bundesweiten regulations, there is a minimum of 21 years, more than 25 grams of cannabis pro Tag and high 50 grams of cannabis pro-monat zum Eigenkonsum. For young adults since monatlich 30 grams with maximum zehn Prozent des berauschenden Stoffes Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) erlaubt. There is an app festival in Ganderkesee, where people get cannabis. View the app you can use to make a reservation. “Wir wollen keine zu großen Lagerbestände in der Abgabestelle haben – aus Sicherheitsgruünden”, erklärte die Sprecherin.

Anbau auf videoüberwachten Flächen

The cannabis sorting is changed by the club in the United States in the region. It is not possible to get out of the Security Greens and keep this video watch. There is a cannabis that you can use if you use your Mitgliedskonto. The Grundpreise voor de verschiedenen Sorteren liegt eight en zwolf Euro pro Gramm, wie der Verein auf seiner Homepage mitteilt. If the amount and regularity of the scheme receive additional approval, the Gramm price will be reduced. Von Freitag (8. November) ein geben Vereinsmitglieder Cannabis und four days pro week zu festen Zeiten ab.

Cannabis plants are waiting in the Räumen des Anbauvereins “Cannabis Social Club” in Ganderkesee.

Christopher Weckwerth

Linda Vogt

Mirjam Uhrich (dpa)
