
Ganderkesee in Lower Saxony: Club gibt zum ersten Mal legale Cannabis aus

Ganderkesee in Lower Saxony: Club gibt zum ersten Mal legale Cannabis aus

Status: 02.11.2024 13:56 Uhr

Mid-October was celebrated in Ganderkesee – the news was broadcast. The first time in Germany is the legislation on cannabis. The interest is insulting.

Distributing the Cannabis Social Club is no longer possible. Eingeload seien alle Vereinsmitglieder, reported hätten sich etwa 60, so die Sprecherin. Bis zu 25 Gramm sollen pro Mitglied ausgegeben. “It is a special moment, we live in it,” says the speaker. Jedes Gramm, when things didn’t work out anymore, became a Gramm, which was not bought at the Schwarzmarkt. For a second time Wochen hat der Verein Blüten von 200 Pflanzen geerttet.

Lower Saxony at Genehmigungen Spitzenreiter

Provided that 500 people are present in Ganderkesee, they will be happy to do so. More if you let people eat the best in the wartelist. In Lower Saxony it is time for the most Cannabis-Anbauvereine in Germany. Bislang wurden von 37 Anträgen 15 genehmigt, darunter auch in Hannover, Braunschweig and Friesland.

Höchstens 50 Gram Cannabis pro Monat

Since July 1, we can introduce Vereine Anträge zum Anbau to the Lower Saxony Landwirtschaftskammer. Gründen can be a company that has a full-fledged and active operation. This must be a common protection and legal construction. The cannabis is used for the Zugriff Dritter geschützt and the THC-controlled control that is carried out. After the Federal Law, there are some quantities of 25 grams of Cannabis pro Tag and high 50 grams of Cannabis pro Monat zum Eigenkonsum.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Aktuell | 02.11.2024 | 08:00 am