
Karoline Edtstadler keeps the Spitzenpolitik in the Rücken

Karoline Edtstadler keeps the Spitzenpolitik in the Rücken

Innenpolitischer Paukenschlag: Verfassungsministerin Karoline Edtstadler no longer opts for the new Federal Government as Ministerin zur Verfügung. A Minister of Foreign Affairs has spread a good message about the Kronen Zeitung. If you are given control over the government of the Minister in your Permit, this can also be done by the ÖVP Processing Teams. The lawyer became an administrative chancellor in the Heimatstadt Salzburg, the parliament wolle in the coming legislative period. Edtstadler’s self-war for the Kleine Zeitung could not exist.

Haussegen hangs crooked in ÖVP

The background of the overloaded backs cannot become more specular, it is a violation, the chemical will no longer be stimulated and the nehammer will not be stimulated. The experienced lawyer, who worked for his Übersiedelung nach Wien am Europäischen Menschenrechtsgerichtshof in Straßburg, hatte sich Hoffnungen auf the Nachfolge von Johannes Hahn as EU Commissioner, that Rennen Power – eher überrascht – Magnus Brunner, has no Ambitions on a job in Brussels hat. Zur engen Vertrauten des Kanzlers stieg in de last stattdessen Familienministerin Susanne Raab auf.

ÖVP must consult a minister

In any case, the Edtstadler must take responsibility for the new ministerial positions to appear in one of the three political parties. The Niederösterreicher Gerhard Karner and Klaudia Tanner have chosen State Secretary Claudia Plakolm (as minister), and also Raab, as a solution. Martin Polaschek has bad karten, Magnus Brunner and Martin Kocher have otherwise beruflich angedockt (EU-Kommission, Nationalbank). Statistics from the time when the full-fledged Tatsachen were established, how Edtstadler has now taken control of the weight of the trade itself.

Although it is always the case that Edtstadler Hoffnungen are empowered in the Nehammer-Nachfolge manner, it is the case that they occur with the Wahl-scheitern. Mr Vernehmen, who was the ÖVP chief of the Salzburgerin his Spitzencandidate for the EU Wahl-machen, was very surprised. While the editorial staff of the chief posts in the parliament of the parliament released the 43-year-old Salzburgerin letter, the first general secretary of the Economics Bundes Peter Haubner was found.

Nachfolgerin von Haslauer in Salzburg?

Möglicherweise comes Edtstadler as Nachfolgerin des Salzburger Landeshauptmanns Wilfried Hauslauer ins Spiel. This lasts during the legislative period during the Sessel-räumen. Edtstadtler is said to have helped Sebastian Kurz in the Regierung, as State Secretary for the Interior under Herbert Kickl, then as Minister of Defense and Europe.