
Honor Colorado uses IPS Versicherung für statliche Bedienstete im vornherein ab

Honor Colorado uses IPS Versicherung für statliche Bedienstete im vornherein ab

Asunción: Der Vorsitzende von Honor Colorado in de Senate, Natalicio Chase, bezeichnete de Vorschlag van de Kollegen Eduardo Nakayama, Beamte in het Gesundheitssystem des Fürsorgeinstituts (IPS) van überführen, as populist and unrealistic.

You will be sure that your work is done or that your services are your own. “A project like this is not easy, but it is another way to calculate rates so that the fall to fall analysis can be done. It is not possible for a whole series of activities to take place“, it is the average time.

Nakayamas can no longer ignore the fact that the state has saved US$1 million, if your attention is paid to the IPS provision and the state is not doing well when it comes to the money.

There is a fact that the mobilization of the surveillance systems is moving in the direction of migration, the Wechsel or the Abschaffung, a dangerous autumn. When we deal with a project, it is more populist than realistic, but it is no longer possible; when it comes out of the closet, there is no gründlich misunderstanding.

Nakayama’s analysis, one of the institutions that has taken over the private Krankenversicherung in all state institutions, can find out that a Parlamentarian has the power to help the Zahlung of Krankenversicherungen, who are qualified as VIP, and die ilung von Kraftstoffgutscheinen I have Received 5 million guarantees.

“It is a broader pruch, that the person in the public system earns a million dollars from the state bank in the private sector,” the parliament said in an interview at 680.

It is not the case that people who are the best in their country can get a medical insurance for 200 euros and quickly earn 700 euros and earn the Kraftstoffkosten behind their acquired costs.

Wochenblatt/El Nacional

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