
Cannabis Club in the Seenplatte first runs on the Bremse

Cannabis Club in the Seenplatte first runs on the Bremse

Tobias Hecht and Thomas Kowarik are active in the Chance region, the Cannabis Club of the Laufen – jedenfalls nicht in the Größenordnung, the two initiators got to work. When the Cannabis-Gesetz is launched, it will be April 1. Year in Kraft paper, the community Anbau in Clubs with its 500 Mitgliedern. There are three Pflanzen pro Person who can use a theoretical Rauschmittel of 1500 Pflanzen.

Investor nach politischem Rechtsruck abgesprungen

In the verses that bring together Thomas Kowarik and Tobias Hecht, both are involved in the Wählergemeinschaft “Cannabis and Civil Rights” at the Kommunalwahl in June and are intensively engaged in real estate creation and investment. “300,000 to 400,000 euros is a man in the old situation, a downright form of money,” says Tobias Hecht.

But after the invasions of the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony, the Investors have given withdrawn power. “There are German lawsuits and the fight against the CDU, the cannabis that is illegal is absolutely prohibited,” says Thomas Kowarik. No one can deal with a problem if he has money in a model, while the political power structures can be subject to major violations.

Daten zum Konsum müssen preisgegeben begeben

If all goes well, the installation of a Cannabis Club is possible. “And damn, I am no longer dependent on childcare or playground equipment. It is fully integrated into the Ordnung,” said Tobias Hecht. If no one wants to know what is going on anymore, cannabis clubs will no longer be allowed to participate, if it is clear that all the data could be about the digital age. “The fact is that it is still the case, but if a man is using communal cannabis in a club or a private property on his balcony, says Thomas Kowarik. There is a chance that you will be amazed by your dating price gabe. “A Alcohol consumers are not so obliged, justice is due, because and who fell drinking,” he said.

Euphoria is a vorbei

If the euphoria after cannabis legalization wears off and the goal is achieved, there is a good chance that the community of cannabis will take with it. “Unter the current circumstances we are happy with the little ones,” says Tobias Hecht. The war man with the older years, with a large Cannabis Club money for similar prevention projects, has earned his money. “It’s one of the most important things we’ve done in shrinking cannabis,” says Thomas Kowarik.

Sowohl is also Tobias Hecht who has put his year in the Landkreis for more Drogen-Prävention and the Schools. “It might be that we get power. Statistic religions are aimed at life, the recovery of the gefahren von Drogenkonsum jeder Art aufklärt,” said Tobias Hecht.

Zu wenig Drogen-Prävention im Land

The Cannabis Act has not been worked in that direction at all. Jeder Erwachsene kan jetzt zwar ohne schlechtes Gewissen in the best autumn self-made cannabis consumption. “The minors make sure the dealer gets their money back and that’s the only thing they can do. If we want to start, it’s true that we will never do it again,” said Thomas Kowarik. It is no longer possible in Willen en in Geld, Drogen-Prävention in de Schulen-anzubiten.

The region is more interested in the Cannabis Club. “No project of the project has ever been carried out. If it is a smaller and larger supply, the cannabis yield will be notified with a maximum of 20 people,” says Thomas Kowarik in Aussicht.