
FC Bayern – Eintracht Frankfurt im Free-TV see! Frauen-Bundesliga am Montag | Sport

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The FC Bayern Munich takes place on the 8th matchday of the Frauen-Bundesliga Eintracht Frankfurt. Now two Punkte run both teams, both can stehen after the Spieltag and the Tablespitze.

Los geht’s am Montag at 6pm. BILD explanation, we can see the play on Free-TV and Stream next.

Before the active feature film, the Münchnerinnen could the Tablesführung of the Eintracht zurückerobern. After winning the first Liga-Pleite in Frankfurt, the Bayern-Frauen Bayer Leverkusen started to rise a second time and win in a dramatic 3:2 final.

The pride of the little Punktevorsprungs hat Bayern coach Alexander Straus (49) “fell respectfully” for the SGE. “When the end of the seasonal wave is reached, the display of the Verletzungen will change,” the prediction of the Norwegian for the Topspiel in the Montag. And further: “If you have good quality in the context of what you do, it is worth a long journey.”

Entsprechend exciting during the party during the assembly. Meint auch Bayern-Mittelfeldspielerin Sarah Zadrazil (31): “It’s always a dueling game.”

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The pride is clear: In the eight League matches of both, the Frankfurters can first make a hole in the air – and last them three years. But Eintracht Coach Niko Arnautis (44) has a plan for who can get hit.

Arnautis: “We could live with our family. Think about a good balance with and the ball.” Dabei can help with the top star Laura Freigang (26) with: Die Torjägerin (7 hit) is after an erkältung that vermutlich the state break with the dabei.

Frauen-Bundesliga: Bayern Munich vs. Eintracht Frankfurt on Free-TV

The match in the Frauen-Bundesliga is between FC Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt on Sport1’s free TV. You can use a free stream to watch the game.

Zusätzlich zeigen auch die cost payers Sender DAZN (Anzeige) and MagentaSport das Duell at FC Bayern and Frankfurt.