
‘New York Times’ warns about Trump Von dpa-AFX

‘New York Times’ warns about Trump Von dpa-AFX

(In the Überschrift wurde der Vorspann US-WAHL ergänzt.)

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Kurz for the American president on November 5, the “New York Times” clearly warned about the Republican Donald Trump. An article about the broadcast said: “Wählen Sie, um die Trump-Ära zu legen”. In the true story, which appeared on Blattes’ next article, it is a different one: “Sie knows Donald Trump-schon. There is one thing you want.” Much has been learned, and Wahl has immersed himself in a “bedroung for democracy”.

Trump lied and became corrupt and harmed the people. Another time when ex-presidents are making climate damage and car crates strong. “Die Amerikaner sollten Besseres kosten”, he continues.

With the latest poll, the “New York Times” announced in October for the Democrats Kamala Harris. You can spend some of the time going head-to-head with both candidates.

With the explanation on a page published by the “New York Times” by the konkurrenzblatt of “Washington Post” from 1988, there was no question of a company for the American presidential elections. Reporter of the “Washington Post” reports has hit the divorce of Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos as editor of the Zeitung. There is criticism of the criticism.