
These crazy things become viral on social media

These crazy things become viral on social media

Suppe, Salat or Stulle? Oh nööö… For hobby cooking, the first time it is tried, it is a trendier signal. That is the new Food Trends.

Ramen-Burger: Nudeln mal serves differently

That would be here Burger-brötchen einfach durch Ramen-Nudeln ersetzt. The Asian Pasta is first bought (a minute of kürzer as a long time ago) and then in Servierringen in a Pfanne with some roast, when it is cozy and festive. Anschließend den Burger wie gewohnt stale.

Frittiert & gebacken: Mochinuts

Eine Mischung aus Mochi (Japanese travel cuisine) and donuts depict this other Kringel, the main point is that the journey is best fought and most enjoyed. Nor do you want to buy your favorite beer in the USA – we will back it again:

Pink Pasta brings an orderly color to the counter

Black or green Nudeln is another kitchen hut. The emerging Trend am Pasta-Himmel is pink – and it has never been so super good, denn Farbgeber is Rote Bete. Rezept gibt is under:

Trinken statt essen: One Caprese-Martini, bitte!

This trend is currently one of the most common cocktail fans. Dabei were Aromen ganzer Gerichte sisterammengemixt: Tomato juice, basil, mozzarella and there was Martini erggeben with a dish with “Caprese-Martini”, Soy Sauce, Ingwer, Wasabi, Soft Drink and Vodka and a “Sushi-Cocktail”. It’s natural and alcohol-free!