
Investor soll Unternehmer has better chances

Investor soll Unternehmer has better chances

Owned by the Grand Hotel Sauerhof that Bagger anrollen and has had an educational stay with a healthy wellness resort since 2014. If you use the Bauzaun, the hotel is absperrt, no more than a Lokalaugenschein von nichts op een Baustelle schließen.

When Siegmund Kahlbacher, the director of the hotels, started working with such an investor in 2023, a company became one of the best healthcare resorts. In November 2023, Kahlbacher schließlich, the owner Angabe, obtained an investor due to his good experiences, the former Vizekanzler and ex-FPÖ chief Heinz-Christian Strache.

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Dieser Investor habe laut Anzeige (Anm.: wegschweren gewerbsmäßigen Betrugs und Urkundenfälschung) bij de Staatsanwaltschaft Wien, de mittlerweile Ermittlungen eingeleitet hat, Interesse am Sauerhof, aber auch and other Projekten Kahlbachers gezeigt. “130 million people who want to invest have been instructed. That’s half the company. This is a slow process of self-control. “We live without writing,” paints Kahlbacher.

Now that we have a few weeks after the contract, we will pay 12,800 euros for the investor. “Something has happened, there may be a partner who says it is a matter of course,” says Kahlbacher. The investor will probably spend more money on the financial aspects. “There is a chance that one of the best reasons is geschickt. Das Geld is not interesting.”

Betrug und Fälschung door Investor

On 31 pages of the ORF, an investor became a gewerbsmäßiger bet and a future business development. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt. The investor has another ex-FPÖ chef Heinz-Christian Strache – who now works as a chef himself, since.

If the money is no longer available, the investment of 130 million euros will no longer change. “If a man is blind, then a man is blind. And then we wait for everything to come together,” says Kahlbacher.

Vermittlung durch die FPÖ-Funktionäre

Der Unternehmer takes longer than a year before you can do everything yourself. In September 2023, the investor came into contact with the national authorities. Christian Höbart receives his support. It put the Geschäftsmann a Monat später dem ehemaligen Vizekanzler Heinz-Christian Strache for. Following the next step of the investor and how he can develop, his potential partners can focus on facilities on the basis of a commercial strategy.

Christian Höbart and Heinz Christian Strache on May 15, 2020

APA/Harald Schneider

Heinz-Christian Strache and Christian Höbart sollen de Investor vermittelt and will enjoy their future

In response to a question from, Christian Höbart writes: ‘There is a plausible development of a business model with a professional structure (…) during the FMA period in February 2024 führt. “Wobei sich herausgestellt hat: The Finanzmarktaufsicht war and is for the investment model of investors, the company book in the Western world is not the best choice.

More Unternehmer sollen laut Anzeige in weiterer Folge von Höbart und Strache vermittelt zijn sein. If you want to buy one of the investor funds, you can not use any Strache und Höbart for your Vermittlungsleistungen. It is possible that you are experiencing one of the problems due to a problem with your business. The concrete damage is no longer possible. The investor would like to report not last time.