
View information about this type of Atommüll-End bearing

View information about this type of Atommüll-End bearing

At a place in the eastern Lagerhalle, which is CASTOR radioactive with type THTR and blue with type CASTOR V/19, atomic kraftwerken were carried out in a zwischengelagert, with the following: · Control - Vorsicht Strahlung ·.

Atommüll shines for hundreds of years.

Quelle: dpa

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung informs about the installation of the Zwischenstand at one of the Atommüll-Endlagers in Germany. If you work with safety research, some of the geological conditions for the off-territory end bearing of highly radioactive Abfälle can be removed.

In the year 2020, the Bundeseigene Gesellschaft opened a new company in a message 90 years ago, 54 Prozent der Fläche Deutschlands.

This sector will be developed in the current base regions, but the company will have its own higher-level Erkundung-vorschlagen-will by 2027.

digitaler Geigerzähler

It is a German end bearing for the Atommüll that was made its own in 2030. Jetzt has done a study of the Freiburger-ko institutes, which takes longer.07.08.2024 | 1:32 min

You can continue

Am Montag BGE will make a labor stand more öffentlichen die. If you have a certain area, you can no longer use one or more of these products. This then follows in other ways. The separation between the regions of employment, the oberirdische erkunde, was dissolved within a few years of the Bundestag.

Once the end bearings are close to the 27,000 cubic meter high radioactive devices, this will be more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany.

SGS King

A new study was carried out on an Atommüll-Endlager in 2074. There was no hinge point, according to Wolfram König, expert for nuclear energy companies. 08.08.2024 | 4:31 min

Soul: A million years of Security

The fact is that money is financed for a million years, which is worth a million years. Security is active in 16 major Zwischenlagern in various Bundesländern.

The Bundesumweltministerium was born in 2050 and the end of the war was financed and lasted about 20 years when the factory was in use.

The information card says that the insgesamt 90 sub-area, the fundamental geological preparations for the specific end-use of high radioactive properties. The region has its origins in Northern and Southern Germany.

Quelle: dpa