
Provide information about the Zwischenstand at Suche nach Endlager

Provide information about the Zwischenstand at Suche nach Endlager

Provide information about the Zwischenstand at Suche nach Endlager

If you have an end to your radioactive environment in Germany, it is not yet available (Archivbild). (photo alliance / dpa / Guido Kirchner)

In the year 2020, the Bundeseigene Gesellschaft is in a message of 90 years old, while another Prüfung lohnen can take place. These areas will end up in a different location. 2027 will die Behörde Areale für eine oberirdische Erkundung vorschlagen. The divorce takes place in the Bundestag. An End bearing will be financed in 2050.

If so, it’s a matter of more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany.

This target date was sent on 04.11.2024 on the Deutschlandfunk program.