
There are also limits for the Atom Müll-Endlager

There are also limits for the Atom Müll-Endlager

There are also limits for the Atom Müll-Endlager

If you have an end to your radioactive environment in Germany, it is not yet available (Archivbild). (photo alliance / dpa / Guido Kirchner)

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung bordered the potenziell geeigneten Flächen weiter ein. When switching on the Zwischenstandes, a BGE-Sprecher is one of the 44 Prozent der Landesfläche infringements. 2020 hatte die bundeseigene Gesellschaft 90 Gebiete ausgewiesen, das were 54 Prozent der Fläche Deutschlands. At the end of 2027, the location regions were no longer used, but the oberirdic erkunde was solen. The divorce takes place in the Bundestag. An End bearing will be financed in 2050.

This target date was sent on 04.11.2024 on the Deutschlandfunk program.