
Tom Hanks and Robin Wright: “Forrest Gump” Reunion Flops to Start

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright: “Forrest Gump” Reunion Flops to Start

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright
“Forrest Gump” Reunion flops to Start

The intelligent-intelligent performances of Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in "Here".

The most intelligent interpretations of Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in “Here”.

© 2023 CTMG, Inc.

30 years after “Forrest Gump,” Tom Hanks and Robin Wright are revving up the camaraderie. But “Here” ended up in American cinemas.

The movie for Tom Hanks, 68, and Robin Wright, 58: The first movie from the “Forrest Gump” pair had started in the United States in 1994. “Here” is played while the Wochenende is worth a million dollars. The empire is now für Platz fünf in de North-American Kinocharts. You can do a production of 50 million years with a starbesetzung.

“Here” is no longer a personal representation of “Forrest Gump”’s room. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, 72, his Oscar win was 30 years ago for “Forrest Gump.” Das Drehbuch stems from Feder von Eric Roth, 79, and the music of Alan Silvestri, 74.

“Forrest Gump” – Trauma Couple and Dinosaur

After 30 years, “Here” stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright as a couple. When (soon) the room of Don Burgess, 68, becomes entrenched in a “Forrest Gump” war, both die around the world. You can replace the main character with your own person for the film kreierten of the intelligent intelligence.

Der Clou von “Here”: Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer follow der Geschichte eines Flecken Landes über Millionen von Jahren – von der Zeit der Dinosaurier bis in de Zukunft. The bulk of the film is shown after the footage of Hanks and Wright has been pinned, which is first shown and then released.

Hanks and Zemeckis are no longer Greenhouse magnets

A film with thirty spectacular features and another star cast: “Here” had become a major box office hit in the 1990s. But neither Tom Hanks nor “Zurück in die Zukunft” director Zemeckis since heute nor Zuschauer magnets. I collected a movie, a real-life movie of “Pinocchio,” which is now in critical and another viewing at Disney+.

“Here” sticks to the criticism in a good way. On the Sammelseite “Rotten Tomatoes” number 35 Prozent der Bewertungen were positive. “Here” drücke allzu deutlich on the Tränendrüse and erschöpfe ich in the Gimmick of the fixed Kameraposition, ist der Tenor der Rezensionen.

In Deutschland soll “Here” am 12. December 2024 in die Kinos kommen.
