
Stephan Rau wechselt on 01.11.2024 from McDermott Will & Emery zu Greenberg Traurig Germany, LLP

Stephan Rau wechselt on 01.11.2024 from McDermott Will & Emery zu Greenberg Traurig Germany, LLP

November 1, 2024

External Inhalt (Kanzleimitteilung)

Dr. Stephen Rau

Greenberg Traurig focuses on Private Equity and Healthcare Practice

The global Economic Chancellery Greenberg Traurig has established its Praxisgruppen Private Equity and Healthcare with the renowned Private Equity and M&A company Dr. Stephan Rau (55). There is talk of McDermott Will & Emery, where the European Praxisgruppe für Health (M&A and Regulation) is leading. Darüber started last year, and Dr. Stephan Rau Anfang 2025 is a new job at Greenberg Traurig Büro in Munich. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird Greenberg Traurig voraussichtlich een Reihe von sisterätzlichen Neuzugängen in Munich can not be done.

Dr. Stephan Rau is partner and chairman of the European Healthcare Praxis. There are private equity and strategic investors, public health services, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies who make government investments in private equity investments and M&A transactions with statutory and statutory investments. Seine Schwerpunkte lies about M&A transactions in the Health and Life Science Area, Medicine and Health Law about compliance with regulations.

Dieser Schritt starts with the German Private Equity and Gesundheitspraxen of Greenberg Traurig. Together with the best Private Equity team under the Leitung der Partner Dr. Schorling and Dr. Henrik Armah, they have included a partner and 12 Associates in an Anwalts team for Private Equity Projects in Germany. Dr. Stephan Raus studies lawyers and expertise in the Private Equity Group in Europe and the Middle East, the best teams in Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Mailand, Warsaw, Dubai, Riad and Tel Aviv. The Berliner Büro performed its blessing in the year 2015.

Richard A. Rosenbaum, Executive Chairman of Greenberg Traurig, said: “The experience is based on the economic strategy of the Kanzlei, in the sense that business owners and markets will expand – typical business practices, such as business, market management or business regulation. grim beeinflussen of the Mandants. We have a number of companies and companies in branches and branches, which deal with Private Equity and Gesundheitswesen, such as Stephan – Kapitalmarktrecht, Finanzierung, Energie, Infrastruktur, Immobilien, Restrukturierung, Regulierung und Compliance, Arbeitsrecht, Technology und Prozessführ approx. Stephans Erfahrung and Reputations are very good in the team in Germany, Europe and the future.”

Dr. Peter Schorling, Managing Partner of Greenberg Traurig in Germany, asked the following question: “I would like to meet a healthcare expert, continuously since 2011 from Chambers im ersten Rang empfohlen wird. With Henrik, Stephan has created a strong private equity practice that has its money and a large business that is a prosperous strategic business in the US.”

Dr. Christian Schede, co-founder and chairman of Germany, says: ‘Miss Wachstum in the Reached Private Equity and Gesundheitswesen setzen wir die Erfolgsgeschichte von Greenberg Traurig in Deutschland fort – now bereits im zehnten Year – and eröffnen einen Zweiten Standort. We are able to ensure consistent results in the new technology of branches.”

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