
44 Prozent Deutschlands blew in Rennen in an Atomendlager

44 Prozent Deutschlands blew in Rennen in an Atomendlager

Rund four years after the start of the unbeliebten Such paints after a Standort for a German Endlager for highly radioactive Atommüll is rund zehn Prozent der bisher ausgewählten Teilgebiete wohl aus dem Rennen. Damit turned out to be etwa 44 Prozent des Bundesgebiets weiter in Spiel, wie die die desister van de Bundesgesellschaft für Endlager (BGE), Dagmar Dehmer, in Montag. Funds were built until 2050 for a 27,000 cubic meter high radioactive Müll, which fell in more than 60 years of Atomkraft.

Welche Regioen could develop as a disinterested company?

Determining the new category is no longer possible as a new or small device. Beispielsweise were weite Nordbayerns der „Kategorie D“ to make some mistake. The Gleiche gilded for a tonteilgebiet in East Brandenburgs and Saxony sees the “Glücksstadtgraben” in a Streifen von Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Lower Saxony. In the Jura in Eastern Baden-Württemberg and in Western Bavaria, the message for 75 percent of the Fläche is a maximum small discharge, the fourth four has not yet been understood. Auch im Thuringian Becken between Hesse, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia since nor 30 Prozent im Rennen.

Was the new research for the further end bearings like this?

Letztlich is nur een Zwischenschritt, der in der Öffentlichkeit aber zegen soll, dat zijn versahren vorankom en sich um Transparenz. Dies hoben auch Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke (Grüne) and the Bund für Umweltschutz und Naturschutz (Bund) has adopted her knowledge. The BGE internet pages are accessible as an interactive map and are becoming increasingly active. This love for Jewish territory is a understanding of separation – and the ways of the thirsty spirits such as Ton, Salz or Kristallin. The Fläche, which was not examined, became muss, bleibt aber riesig. The BGE will leave the first phase of end bearings at the end of 2027. I am an oberirdische Erkundungen-stattfinden, entscheidet with Hilfe van BGE-Expertise dann der Bundestag.

Is it no longer possible to put an end to Tisch?

Laut Dehmer has gone through time as an uninspired company that did not choose “the time of running”. If the first time is autumn, the Federal Code for the Best Immunity of the Standard Regions will be abolished. Gleichwohl is a better way to look at “this is unwahrscheinlich, that’s the end result”.

Was the power of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlager bisher gemacht?

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung prüft mit Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, welche Gebiete in Deutschland favorable geological provisions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactiven Abfälle erwarten lassen. 2020, the Bundeseigene Gesellschaft in a message 90 years ago, at a newer Prüfung Lohnen-konnte, executed, die 54 Prozent der Fläche Deutschlands. These parts will be used in a different location region in the future. “The soul is what it is, with an average little soul and a region in Phase 2 that will come to pass,” Dehmer explains.

The Methodology, with the Sicherheit in de Arbeitsschritt bewertet wird, erläuterte de Bereichsleiterin Standortauswahl at the BGE, Lisa Seidel, who follows: ‘Make sure that you in a winstschaftsbasierten Verfahren the Standort with the best Sicherheit. You can set the safety of the economy a little higher with your Prüfschritt. Gebiete, die een Hürde nicht überjueren, nicht weiterbearbeitet.”

How long will it take before the state of affairs is funded?

The Federal World Ministry was founded in 2050 and the end of the world was financed. It takes about 20 years for the plant to be planted. If the end of life is no longer possible, it is not offensive. Once you get the first impression, it is worth responding to criticism, starting another health protection organization, which will lead the erasure of paints.

Why does it take so long to get an end bearing?

“It is not trivial, the certainty of an end-of-year celebration and its power, a little bigger, but for 100,000 years or a million years of celebration,” Dehmer stated. Grund dafür sei der Nachweisaufwand. There is also no end to “unter mehreren Jahrzehnten davongekommen” in other states. Selbst in Finland waited 40 years ago.

Warum braucht is at all an unterirdisches endlager?

A great deal of security has been put in place on the science of an end bearing in the period of 27,000 Cubic meters of highly radioactive more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany. The fact is that money is financed for a million years, which is worth a million years. Security is active in 16 major Zwischenlagern in various Bundesländern. “Bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts müssen und können wir einen Endlager-Standort. This is the fault of the people who live in the regions with low-income families,” says Lemke.