
Epi-Food: With the proper processing of our own feed flows

Epi-Food: With the proper processing of our own feed flows

Is there an epigenetic Ernährung compliziert?

Overhaupt nicht – aber man muss the fell Fertigproducts widerstehen could.

Want to set a stattdessen?

There are a few washing products with a lot of secondary substances and intestines. This has a positive influence on the epigenetic effect. Anyone who says the name can now use the Pflanzen fabric in Pflanzen. A hohen Gehalt dieser Stoffe knows a man who intensifies Farben and Aromen. Auch de Quality and Regionalität play a central role. The full use of the device ensures that the foam and the smooth surface are softened. While we are researching, the lebensmittel with the bio and demeter quality is more of the secondary substance and a good quality that is used as lebensmittel from the conventional landwirtschaft.

If you have a little zest for life, will you ever die?

Wilde kräuter und wilde Beeren, aber auch Kreuzblütler wie Brokkoli, Romanesco, Kohlrabi und Lauch-Gewächse entalten fell secondary Pflanzenstoffe. High-quality Fettsäuren will find a man for everything in Baumnüssen, such as Lein- and Hanföl. Grundsätzlich sollte man always his product with the most powerful Farbe grifen: Also nice Rucola- als Eisbergsalat or rote anstatt heller Zwiebeln. Through the positive experiences of Nüssen, Getreiden and Hülsenfrüchten, man is multiplied, but he becomes less or less fermented. The reduced substance, which becomes mineral and protein-free during dilution and solidification. The major epigenetic effect has nothing to do with Essen, but with Fasten.


Establishing breaks in the intestinal flora and gut biology can have a positive effect on health – including gene modulating and protective effects. Ideal where, when the time is right, it’s wonderful to eat snacks and nur-wassers and wonderful things. Über Nacht sollte man 12 tot 16 Stunden fasten.