
Valencia (Spain): Flut walks Tiefgaragen in Massengräber | News

Valencia (Spain): Flut walks Tiefgaragen in Massengräber | News

Valencia – If the water were to develop – would the first part of the catastrophe be visible?

After the Todesflut in Spaniard About 2,000 people were missing. Anyway, if you use the Retter, you can search the Tiefgaragen, even though you’ve never had a bad Wasser before. Has your mass become?

Extreme GefahrensituationSpanien sits for Diesem Tief

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Quelle: AEMET_Andalucía

So in a two-storey garage and a supermarket in Valencia’s Vorort Alfafar. A Leichenwagen parks davor. More millions of liters of water are stored here, in the first place, the water is still there.

Auch Boote became such an event

Auch Boote became such an event

Photo: Patric Fouad

Retter suchen mit Stöcken nach Leichen

Commander Vincente Rivera (49), chef of a three-quarters of a team of the Guardia Civil, said BILD: “The water is a matter of thorough inspection. When you raise the head, stop cooking, with chopsticks in the first filling and taste after cooking. We will have a healthy lifestyle.”

It has been said that we only bought four more supermarkets and got a woman who got a better Leichengeruch. “Der Gestennk da unten ist noch fell stronger,” said Rivera.

Helfer am Eingang zur Tiefgarage

Helfer am Eingang zur Tiefgarage

Photo: Stefano Laura

Pumps are carried out in Hochtouren

Pump up one of the Spanish nuts Military personnel (UME) laufen auf Hochtouren, aber trotz tagelanger Arbeit seit der Flut vom Dienstagabend ist man nor immer nicht im zweiten Untergeschoss angelangt.

The Einsatzkräfte shy Schläuche in the Garage, um sie leerzupumpen

The Einsatzkräfte shy Schläuche in the Garage, um sie leerzupumpen

Photo: Stefano Laura

In Alfafar wüteten the Wassermassen die brutally. Cars Since parts of Bergen have been completed, blocking Tunnel and Einfahrten. If both of you were informed, there would be no chance of having a car in the parking garage. Rivera said: “Leider gibt es in whole Valencia nor vale solcher Garagen.”

Unterwasser-Friedhof below Einkaufszentrum

Another Garagen-Friedhof is an underground 5600-Wagen-Parkplatz des Einkaufszentrums “Bonaire” after the flight. Dort were vale Tote vermutet. Here the UME pumps water with a pump. With a boot that is first blown through time. One of the Notfallretter: “I have no problems, it is such a disaster.” Here lies Leichengeruch in der Luft. The Bergung will no longer appear here.

The more than 200 best tots were brought to their legal medical care in Valencia. 168 were obduziert, 38 anhand der Fingerabdrücke identifiziert.

An army of soldiers on the road to Einsatz

An army of soldiers on the road to Einsatz

Photo: Patric Fouad

A Leichenwagen fährt vorbei. After a nor malicious identification during the appearance in the Kühlcontainer in a Halle der Messe of Valencia. It would not be the case that people would erhalt the schreckliche Nachricht, that their love is not forfeited.