
Austria Pet Food erweitert Produktion

Austria Pet Food erweitert Produktion


Die Austria Pet Food GmbH specializes in production in Pöttelsdorf (Bezirk Mattersburg). 40 million euros were invested and 50 new Arbeitsplätze would be financed as quickly as possible.

Souls, it’s a matter of time and effort over the next two years, more if you double down. An amount of 47 million euros will be paid in 2024.

The company has been producing Dosage for the European market for eleven years. Am Standort in Pöttelsdorf has the best manufacturer’s warranty and a new packaging line for nastiernahrung in the dosage. There are also other bearing flächen and parkflächen for Lkw that create a dishwashing treatment station and a photovoltaic installation. The construction companies have started.