
Rechnungshof holt zum Rundumschlag aus

Rechnungshof holt zum Rundumschlag aus

It lies most in a rundumschlag of the upper Haushaltsprüfer des Landes. 50 pages in no time without any information about the Transformation Fund. Der Hauptvorwurf: The Haushalts- und Wirtschaftsführung des Fonds are intransparent and opaque.

The best-immune immunity in the Wirtschaftsplan, even if the money is challenged, becomes “unspent and extended”, while it is später that the “inhaltlicher faith” becomes Reason.

Now a few days after the end of the SPD and CDU

For the Landesregierung, for all CDU, the message is timely. However, it is the first time that I am giving the small party of the CDU to the Kompromis with the SPD Allein-regierung through the universal criticism of its own Reihen absgesegnet. For many, the great Bauchschmerzen-zugestimmt, the message from the Rechnungshofes in Nachhinein has a bestätigung signal. There is criticism of everything that the Mittel has received from the Transformation Fund.

Unclear Soul

Entschieden would deal with the projects in a Steuerungsgruppe of the Staatskanzlei, the Economics and Finance Ministry. If the consequences of the divorce occur, it is unclear whether the turn is not possible. If the Soul, the front part of the company is sold, it will never happen that Kennzahlen has a whole, heißt es im Message. Selbst bei der grundsätzlichen Stoßrichtung des Fonds gebee es offene Fragene.

Is it a problem in the long term or a small CO2 emission? This Frage is not cleared. There is no problem with the carbonisation of US-oriented instruments, such as the central kennzahl die geschaffenen bzw. Gesicherten Arbeitsplätze und nicht die Eingesparten Treibhausgasemissionen wurden.”

So if you find an overload of the separation, you can find the prüfer. Auch der Fördereffizienz, als ob die richtigen Förderinstrumente gewählt wurden, was “keine hinreichende Bedeutung zgemessen.”

Swammige Project

If you have a Wirtschaftsplan, you can use the Landtag and work out the planting projects, but you may be vague. So we have chosen the title of a ‘sunny project’, a ‘sunny innovation infrastructure’ or a ‘Maßnahmen zur weiteren Steigerung der Digitaltransformationsdynamik’.

Scheer-School must finance differently

Once you are in the area, you know that you have to face the critical criticism, for everything about the project of the Scheer-School and the university. Invest 25 million euros in the Land of the Project from the Transformation Fund for Refurbishment.

Basic criticism of the Rechnungshof das Projekt nicht. It seems that the Scheer-School has made a small investment in the house law and that there is a case of “die Gesetzlichen Anforderungen für eine Förderung aus dem Transformationsfonds nicht.” The equity of the financing will be normal when the Kernhaushalt activities take place.

Beim Beirat bleibt Öffentlichkeit aussen vor

Much criticism of the Rechnungshof-zudem, dass ihm and damit der Öffentlichkeit “keinerlei Informationen über Inhalte and Ergebnisse of Beratungen des Beirats” would be authorized. It is one of many knowledgeable experts that Lars Feld, the personal assessor of the Federal Finance Ministers or Monika Schnitzer, puts in charge of the Wirtschaftsweisen.

Whoever and whatever Beirat does, it is not possible. The Landesregierung itself requires the Rechnungshof in the Geheimhaltungsinterest of the Unternehmen, one that is heht. If the Rechnungshof is out of service for a single night and is no longer available, no information is available here.

Rundumschlag des Rechnungshofes

The message is a message that is a field, that the Rechnungshof is no longer visible and that is criticized. Since the Landesregierung no longer exists, the man swears himself in at the Rechnungshof. If a Minister of Finance informs the Ministry of Finance in the signal that he will “besseren Verstandnis”, heißt es.

In Teilen the Stellungnahme is “an der Kritik vorbei or der ergeht sich in Wiederholungen.” The Kritik sei damit in Teilen still cannot become a single ansatzweise entkräftet.

This topic is on the SR-info nachrichten on the radio on 05.11.2024 messageet.