
Grünes Power-Gemüse: That’s passion, if your Tag is Gurken

Grünes Power-Gemüse: That’s passion, if your Tag is Gurken

The Salatgurke is a real source of power and part of the power struggle. When the Gurke inhaled the substance and most people knew, Superfood was anything in the form of a drink.

Das steckt in der Gurke

The green kitchen is the best of 97 products from the laundry and is one of the laundry products at all. But damit not nice. The Gurke now has 12 kilos per 100 grams and an egg that is good for a healthy and hereditary snack.

That Gurke packs a fuller vitamin. Before all types of vitamins C, B and E are present, many minerals contain substances such as potassium, potassium or magnesium in the gemstones.

We regularly eat 100 grams of Gurken isst, long-lasting effects in the kitchen.