
Live ticker US-Wahl 2024: First Wahllokale since geöffnet

Live ticker US-Wahl 2024: First Wahllokale since geöffnet

The first attempts of the US presidential election have fallen: In the small Dixville Notch in the Federal State of New Hampshire, the Democrat Kamala Harris and his Republican candidate Donald Trump become an unentschieden with 3 out of 3 votes, which is played on a handwritten table during the Mittelnacht (Ortszeit). Die Wahlbeteiligung betrug 100 Prozent.

Thats Wahllokal in Dixville Notch since 1960 Wahltag organizes a Mitternacht. It is in the ski region after the Grenze in Canada that the registration of Wähler money, the stimulation and Auszählung schnell abgewickelt. Prepare for a night out during the Christmas celebration. US-Fernsehsender übertrugen Abstimmung und Auszählung live. During the Wahl 2020, US President Joe Biden has gained momentum to win over Trump.

If the time came, it’s a reward in New Hampshire. Erlaubt Communities with fewer than 100 living quarters, both living in the living room as well as living in the living room during the night.. Historical background: There have been a number of demands on the railways, which allow the stimulation of history and then the effort of undertaking.

It doesn’t take long before the mirror is the result of the small objects, which are then a new President. CNN commentators were the Gleichstand als Zeichen dafür, wie eng das Rennen zwischen Harris and Trump ist.