
Fellbach: Vereinsausflug van de HHC Fellbach nach Rottweil

Fellbach: Vereinsausflug van de HHC Fellbach nach Rottweil

On October 19, 2024, an exciting Vereinsausflug was organized by the HHC Fellbach, by the Mitglieder and the interesting two interesting souls: the Thyssenkrupp Test Tower in Rottweil and the German Hand Harmonika Museum in Trossingen.

1. Hand Harmonika Club Fellbach eV

05.11.2024 – 12:09 Uhr

Visit the Thyssenkrupp Test Tower in Rottweil

Bereits um 8 Uhr startete for the Teilnehmer the Kurzweilige Busfahrt von Fellbach nach Rottweil zum berühmten Thyssenkrupp Testturm in Rottweil. With a height of 246 meters, the test tower is a device that is displayed on the environment. The group has developed the supporting architecture and modern engineering technology. A highlight of the war during a war, with a speed of 18 m/s, which is wonderfully Aussicht in the Alps.

Mittagessen in Trossingen

After the exciting visit to the Test Tower, we were able to visit the Trossingen, where the Group was able to enjoy our meals in the Linden Restaurant.

Visit the German Hand Harmonika Museum

Der Nachmittag war für den Besuchen des Deutschen Handharmonikamuseumen in Trossingen reserves. The Museum offers an overview of hand harmonicas from different eras and countries. The Gruppe of the HHC Fellbach can extend the life and development of musical instruments at a museum through the museum and make the instruments used and inspiring objects.


The war of the HHC Fellbach was a fuller and clashed in the medium term, new Orte zu entdecken and gemeinsam Zeit zu verringen. The combination of technical masterpieces in the test tower and cultural experience in the harmonica museum has unparalleled power.

If it’s a daheim

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