
Kampf is a Loitzer Bürgermeister-Amt from 2026 onwards

Kampf is a Loitzer Bürgermeister-Amt from 2026 onwards

Der Loitzer Stadtvertreter Tilo Janzen, ehemaliger Vizewehrführer and Kreisjugendfeuerwehrwart Vorpommern-Greifswalds, started the Bürgermeisterwahl before 2025 in his Heimatort seinen Hut in the Ring yards. The power of the young community as a loner in the parliament and the AfD-Abgeordnete Mario Kehrle – both images in the form of the Fraktion “Bürgerinitiative der Stadt Loitz” – is evident in an Internet channel “youtube” which makes conversation clear.

Citizen Dialog zu aktuellen Problems planted

Anlass is the Ankündigung der Premiere a “Citizen Dialogs”, by the duo for the 15. November at 6 PM in the AWO-Raum on Amtsgebäude on the market. The format soll dazu served, with a living environment they were set up and then they would be present, “we were able to live there, we were able to live with them, we were able to live with our citizens.”

The two public politicians do not consider the whole situation as open to discussion, which will enter into your parliamentary decision. It is possible that there is a way to use and remove some protokollarian Vrecepts so that you cannot use any tags. “Wir wollen gemeinsam an eeninem Strang mit der Stadtvertretung zeehen. The problem has been solved, before it is likely to become difficult“, there is Mario Kehrle, who takes part in his participation as one of the first bewerbers in the course of June 21,7.

Is that city losing Loitz?

Gleichzeitig sparte der Inhaber eines Lackierfachbetriebes in Voßbäk in dem Videobeitrag nicht met Kritik: „Wir haben here in Loitz sehr, sehr velde Baustellen. If you are here, if you live here, by Loitz fährt, if you know Loitz eigentlich, then a few years later may take a few years, or else. Mittlerweile has not become so clear, but our small town has become. It is verschmutzt, it will be verschmutzt. There is no need to die anymore.”

It is worth it, so the Aussage of the Unternehmers, to remain strong for years with local Oldtimerfreunde-Verein engaged. It is true that the city does not even go one step further than the wall of the machine, so that the light in the room can be reached. It was very beautiful, more for the youth and the journey to this place.

If this Ziele does not work as mayor himself in Angriff Nehmen, Mario Kehrle will start at the Nordkurier-Anfrage with his personal Rahmen provisions. “I have my company and it is located here at Herzen. Außerdem stehen da ja auch menschen in Lohn und Brot.“ The force majeure is a genügend Freiraum, an Amt a Rathauschefs dish will become and its excess is not a friend of verwaltungstätigkeiten. If you are looking for the right man, this may be a problem. Wobei jener in the conversation with the Nordkurier-erklärte, the Candidacy is not under the AfD flag, as one of the consequences of woolen.

Amtsinhaberin will enter into battle

In the 37th century, life at the Stadt Stralsund in Lohn and Brot is a safe haven and one of the Volkswerft-wahrnimmt, it is a matter of a little with the gratitude, the mayor will be there. Jetzt sei der Zeitpunkt kommen, dietsächlich in de Tat umzusetzen. “That’s not the case, that’s the way I work with my current job. I am Gegentil. I suffered for a long time.’ The fact is that Mr. Christin Witt of the CDU no longer moves and acts differently as the leader of the government Christin Witt of the CDU. That is a small autumn schlecht of wolle, there is a treasure that Zusammenarbeit with ihr. “If I find anything, the last few years have been a real Wahl experience.”

If you die in Loitz, it is not yet clear. When a new service following the new years was implemented in November 2018, the terminology existed at a certain point in time. Gemäß dem Gesetz über de Wahlen in Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern darf de Wahl nämlich frühestens sechs Monate and moss spatestens zwei Monate vor Ablauf der Amtszeit durchgeführt.

However, if the locals are at the festlegen, there should be plenty of festivities, so the young minds will be present for both candidates at the Stimmzetteln. If we have an official appointment or appointment of Christin Witt, the power is now indispensable: “I became with more effort.”