
Zweites Strauss Museum in Wienöffnet

Zweites Strauss Museum in Wienöffnet

Während man in House of Strauss in Casino Zögernitz in Wien-Döbling on the Aura des Originalschauplatzes als “letzter existierender Konzertsaal, in dem alle four Strauss-Genies aufgetreten sind”, baut, setzt man in “Kleinen Haus der Kunst”, dem ehemaligen Verkehrsbüro at the Secession, with modern technology.

Ausstellungsarchitekt Christian Sturminger and that compelling visual experience specialized Studio Media Apparat has created a two-dimensional Ausstellungsparcours on a round 900 quadratmeters, the man with Kopfhörern doorschreitet. The “3D headphone sound system, the first time in Austria in an Ausstellung zum Einsatz kommt” (Press information) and in eight different electronic settings is, preferably by the right music and information provision and functions completely effective.

An international Vorbildern orientation

As a „Herzensprojekt“, with the man „die Wissensvermittlung auf eine neue Ebene heben“ wolle, bezeichnete Peter Hosek, Geschäftsführer of WKE Konzert- und Eventveranstaltungs GmbH and der Ostrich Eventagentur GmbH, who during the Donnerstag (November 7) geöffnete Ausstellung, with the man was buying wolle, “that man fell into existence in the world.”

Photo gallery with 6 photos

Johann Strauss Museum

Friedrichstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
from November 7
Sun-Thurs: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m
Fri, Sat: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
Eintritt: 25 Euro for Erwachsene

Vorerst hat Wien im kommenden Strauss-Jahr rund um de 200. Walzerkönigsdag on October 25, 2025 by the Alleinstellungsmerkmal – with the man who has an international previous orientation, with film producer Kurt Stocker released: ‘In Liverpool is the Beatles Museum, I mphis with an Elvis Presley Museum and Stockholm an ABBA Museum. Warum hat Wien kein Strauss-Museum?’, it is fragmented.

Budget of 2.2 million euros

With a privately raised budget of 2.2 million euros, it is no different – ​​or an original explanation. And in the end phase there is another problem: “We are able to remove the material so that we can remove it,” says Stocker. “The fastest way to reduce costs.”

Zum Schani-Team heard from Investor Günter Kerbler, Director Robert Neumüller and Historiker Wolfgang Maderthaner. The General Director of the Austrian State Archives has been guaranteed since 1848 one of the historical investigations so prevalent over the mysterious history of the Strauss Archives by Eduard Strauss in Jahr 1907 or the von Goebbels 1941 was born in the Trauungsbuchs of St. Stephan, a Johann Strauss from “Makel” jüdischer Vorfahren zu befreien.

Neues Strauss Museum in der Innenstadt

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The “Donauwalzer” is more like a melody, there is a “signature of the city”, like Maderthaner during the pre-opening. “The Ausstellung is an announcement and this Wiener Signatur in completely new art and white.”

Komponiermaschine and Multimedia Show

This announcement took place in the period of “Deeds” and started in 1825 with Schanis Geburt, underground with the inheritance wirken Wirken von Johann Strauss Vater. In the foliage of the community around 1848, the stupendous international successor of Johann Strauss in Pawlowsk near St. Petersburg (there was a heavy affair with the composer Olga Smirnitskaya, of the family for a single installation used by Liebesbriefe zeugen), at the Weltausstellung in Paris and on North American tours, the Frauen seines Lebens en seine Operetten.

A man can be offered a “Komponiermaschine”. Sein Tod im Year 1899 is due to a great symbolism, which when announced during a long period of more in the Bruchstücke zerfällt – one of the few optical Gags that ansonsten eher zurückhaltend inszenierten Schau, which with a longer “Multimedia show” in a large Erdgeschoßhauptraum ends. If it’s Ganze fast, it’s not one of the most common things, but the man will have a disgusting experience. The fascination that these ‘first Popstars of History’ convey in the Johann Strauss Museum is its information during the immersion.