
So go to the Ofenkartoffel zu Kumpir

So go to the Ofenkartoffel zu Kumpir

If you teach at the Kumpir restaurant or bistro and if you want to, is that a verb? The Verbraucherzentrale Bayern klärt auf: Traditionally, for the typical Turkish money, a large card in a special three-piece is often found. Secondly, the food will become warm. If the back of the cardstock is cut long, there is no longer a full duration. The inside of the oven is lightened with Gabel and mixed with butter and cheese.

The right card choice

If the purchase of the ofenkartoffel is carried out, it is the right choice for the kartoffel. “Here we should take care of everything, buy more cardboard with a larger scale. During the first phase of the investigation into the backup, as we continued and cremigrated, said Daniela Krehl, expert on the Verbrauchzentrale Bayern. Use the agricultural cardboard and Gunda cardboard sorting machines.

Nach Belieben matured

A Kumpir with the butter white Kartoffel mix is ​​first filled with Hit. When you eat a fresh salad, Gegartes Gemüse, Dosenmais, Gebratene Pilze or Paprika. Daniela Krehl listens to Kräuterquark and Herz. The combination of carton and milk proteins is not only intended for worry-free nutrition, but also for optimal digestion. Add the topping with a kumpir of a saturated and balanced amount.»

Get an appetite? Wer Lust hat, a Kumpir daheim auszuprobieren, can be a variant with würzige Merguez-Bratwürsten and Sauerkraut versuchen. A suitable answer comes from Kartoffel-Marketing der Deutsche Kartoffelproducten (KMG).

Ofenkartoffel with merguez bratwurst and sauerkraut

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