
Gericht sets two Verfahren one

Gericht sets two Verfahren one

Knapp a year after one of the expenses of a university of the Free University Berlin (FU) with the trip to the Gaza-Krieg that a Berlin Amtsgericht two Verfahren roads Hausfriedensbruchs eingestellt. Complaints were filed between 23 and 22 years old as students. An erieforderlicher work is aimed at directing the directions on the Tattag die darst gestelt, and it was possible that there would be some of the most common zurückgenommen, which went before the direction of the direction.

If the student girls start a war with jewelry, you will receive a 15-day penalty with 15 Euro (225 Euro) penalties. Days spent with their Einspruch. With the jetzt ergangen Urteilen follow the Amtsgericht Tiergarten de Anträgen von Staatsanwaltschaft and Verteidigung. Hausfriedensbruch is an absolute crime and can now be prosecuted criminally, when a criminal case is a tort. Roads of a problem with the costs that represent the costs of the land desk can be caused.

Raised Stimmung im Hörsaal

Etwa 60 persons had a FU-Hörsaal at 14. This month at 11 am. Soul war with the ‘FU Students for a Free Palestine’, ‘a safe environment for learning, for Austausch and for union with the future of Volkermord’. Es kam nach FU-Angaben “vereinzelt zu Auseinandersetzungen” will use the critical core of the Veranstaltung and Teilnehmenden der Besetzung. The students arrived at 8 p.m., until 5:35 p.m. in the Saal, don’t forget.

A damaged FU-Mitarbeiterin, who before this war, reported as Zeugin in the Prozess of an upward Stimmung in the Hörsaal. The FU-Leitung has schließlich entschieden, the Hörsaal räumen zu lassen. It will happen for the first time. Launch the Protocol of the Police so that at 5.40 pm there will be a short notice of the penalty. “Those who willingly responded to the Zeitpunkt would remain punishable,” said Zeugin.

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