
Kinderfeuerwehren in Loxstedt spend their time at the Rotary Club

Kinderfeuerwehren in Loxstedt spend their time at the Rotary Club

The three children’s feuerwehren in the Gemeinde Loxstedt (Loxstedter Löschbärchen, Stoteler Löschwelpen, Löschwölfe Landwürden) have spent an amount of 500 euros on Rotary Club Hagen in Bremischen. The bergabe of the controls has been followed by Rotary Mitglieder Norbert Blank, Marc Petrikowski and Holger Rasch into an adventure of the children’s feuerwehren. The Betrag comes from the Erlösen des Weinfestes in Hagen. Expenses for simple operation and activation of child nutrition are used. “We thank you for your help for your spending,” says Gemeindebrandmeister Florian Schmedes. The Kinderfeuerwehr can help children and start years of play for Brandschutz, Erste Hilfe and Umweltschutz and continue team work in the Wehr. (dsh/axt)