
Verbreitetete Mythen entlarvt Von Euronews

Verbreitetete Mythen entlarvt Von Euronews

The Grippe-Saison has officially started and has a full version of the virus.

Through the work of the impf substance contained in the medicines, you can get an idea of ​​a passionate heart of Myths, so that through the world propaganda you can also go online.

EuroVerify has the experts of one of the most vulnerable, you will see that this is how it happened.

Mythos 1: A selection of the risks if the virus is discovered

“The Antwort is a clear solution,” says Dr. Richard Webby, coordinator of the Wirt-Microben-Interaktionen at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

“That is the right thing to do with them, the Grippeimpfstoff was used soll. There is an Immunität hervorrufen in Ihrem Körper, which Sie schützt, wenn Sie der Grippe ausgesetzt since. That Grippeimpfung erhöht also the Wahrscheinlichkeit, a Grippe zu erkranken. It is bestht Dusga de Hoffnung, dass de Impfung das Gegenteil bewirkt”, erklärte Webby.

Dr. Koen Blot, leader of infectious disease epidemiology at Sciensano, Belgium’s national health institute, said the impfstoff of human disease could be a problem for the machine’s grippeviren.


If you want to know what it is, the impfstoff is on the new state of affairs, if you get the grip of the grip of the year to the year. The impf substance is so old, that the small continuous displays in the virus are discovered, there is an error. So if the wahrscheinlichkeit, the impfstoff, destroys the virus, it becomes easy.

Mythos 2: A handle is a matter of Erkältung

If the grip is on the Erkältung, the symptom can reappear and shine in the winter months that are more stiff. If the product is higher, the synonym is used.

It is not possible to correct. If they both attack on the road, the rule is that the virus does not work and the symptoms no longer work.

“If the Leute of an Erkältung or a Grippe Sprechen, no longer wants, both in a topf of the yard, it is a fact that there are a number of different Atemwegsviren acting, which während der Wintertijd in der Luft Zirkulieren”, so Blot. “Die Grippe can be a little bit relaxed, aber auch sehr schwer, je nach Person.”

Many gripe ailments now become fluttering or congested noses, while other serious symptoms occur when the virus ends up in the lung tissue and is frightening. This can be a problem.

“It’s a pleasure to have a good time, a happy husband,” Blot explains. “If the infection does not spread further, the negative influence on the disease metabolism will occur, so that the outbreak is peculiar. And then the Leute von Kurzatmigkeit is spread.”

If the virus is in the terminal ring, a systemic symptom occurs. It is a symptom that affects the entire Körper effect, with Fieber, all unmarried people who are Muskel- and Gelenkbeschwerden.

“Was there if Erkältung bezeichnen, betrifft in erster Linie nicht so that lower atemwege der Lunge, sondern eher that upper Atemwege im Bereich des Rachens and der Nase, wie een laufende Nase”, so Blot. “And that is milder.”


Mythos 3: Man can control the temperature

When the grip comes on in the colder months, once you know the temperature is no longer so high, the temperature is neglected. That Wahrheit is not so black and white.

“The separation is not without the low temperatures since they provide a grip,” said Webby. “Of course, the grip in the moderate regions of the world is a winter illness. If a man lives in the fresh air, it is actually a whole illness, with a few short periods of time during the season.”

The Wissenschaftler has never been so old, but the factory settings are responsible, the grip in the cold sector of the world is a winter sickness. Wahrscheinlich is a combination of several factors.

“Wir erasing, that’s because we understand the terms and conditions that affect people’s lives”, so Webby. “When it comes to winter, it will no longer be like this, but also more of this kind of thing. These things will also die from stipulations, which begin the Ausbreitung der Grippe”, it has all happened. “That Kälte is not such that he is a Faktor, but if he turns into those other Faktors, then it is a fact that he acts a Winterkrankheit, can play a Rolle game.”

Mythos 4: Can humans cure the grip with medicine?

Laut Blot is used medicinally, the man can get a grip. Dennoch is the antibiotic, the bacteria will arise, the viral effect will increase. These products can be treated with antiviral medications such as Tamiflu (Oseltamivir).

“The drug is prevented, the virus comes from the infected lung tissue that is in the body, another human or another human can be in the body and cause another infection,” so Blot.

Nothing happened, but it is not clear that the grip medications are working. “If you know what you’re doing, you’ll be happy with it,” he says. “If you haven’t made it clear yet, the guy who is faster or not in the Krankenhaus has put in a little effort.

Remove these medications now with some risk. “People, the fact that research has been done was discussed with those antiviral medications, but it is no longer the case that all people with a powerful grippe infection can occur,” says Blot.


It is not the case that there is an error if the patient receives antibiotic treatment, if it is a risky treatment with lung function. It is often the case that the risk of bacterial infections is high, while the grip of the handle is protected and the immune system is not as good as the bacterial disease can occur, which can harm us.

Wasn’t it possible to take care of the Grippe Saison?

It’s a good tip, with the help of Hilfe who can tell that the man can’t get a grip. Dennoch can be a man who has his schützen, one of the risks, a gefährlichen krankheitserreger, deutlich zu verringern.

“It is the Botschaften, de Ihnen Ihre Mutter immer gesagt hat and die wir während der COVID-Pandemie tausendfach gehört haben: Waschen Sie sich die Hand, niesen Sie in den Ellbben, bleiben Sie zu Hause, wenn Sie sich fühlen”, so Webby.

A grippeimpfung is one of the consequences of his work, before someone gets a condemned group. It is always the case that people and people suffer from a disease that involves diabetes.