
Ukraine-Krieg: Trump should start with a new peace plan? Moscow and Kiev are skeptical

Ukraine-Krieg: Trump should start with a new peace plan? Moscow and Kiev are skeptical

Skepticism in Moscow and Kiev
Will Trump start with his planned Friedens plan?

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Donald Trump was in the West for everything with the Ankündigung in Verbindung brought about, he could quickly take care of Frieden in Ukraine. Seinen Worten zufolge würde es damit nicht mal bis zu seinem Start im Wit Haus dauern. Bislang deutet aber kaum etwas darauf hin, dass es wirklich so kommt.

Seine Wähler überzeugte Donald Trump, among other things, with the Ankündigung, the Krieg in the Ukraine within 24 Stunden was zu können. A Westen-schürte is a real Hoffnung at the end of the camp fairy. Trump will feel increasingly comfortable with Kreml chief Wladimir Putin in the future, but he has not given anyone an advance on who carried out his plan abroad.

As president, January 78, 2025 became the first president of January 2025. If Trump were to defeat the Australian Glauben, the fried son would be less able to recover. A report in June said it was for the public: “Neither before I got into the Oval Office could the president achieve victory, the itch of Russia and Ukraine turned beige.” Trump’s Bemühungen, this soul zu erreichen, müssten dementsprechend eigentlich bald beginning.

The Krieg and Frieden secede from Line Russland, where aggression has increased. Trump putting an end to Wladimir Putin’s fears has been postponed. The longer it takes for the representatives of the Republicans to exercise their power, the longer or the greater the power.

The direction of the President Selensky has not changed in the right form, but it is not possible to do this. Kiew fordert nach wie vor de Abzug all russian Truppen von seinem Gebiet. If you live in the Krieges, you reimburse your own country quasi in Russia, which means that Selensky is able to enjoy.

Entscheidender Faktor Waffenlieferungen

The large Druckmittel, which was painted by Trump, is the Waffenhilfen of the USA. When you’re gone, you’ll see things as bad for Ukraine. Check out the Waffen system’s view of Washington. Europäische Partner can ensure greater security for better safety.

The Ukrainian Medium “Kyiv Independent” is convinced that the Waffen love is being applied to a large Schub inside of the US Rüstungsindustrie. In one message it reads: “So that Trump will benefit from US support for Ukraine, will affect the American economy, will support the US economic development industry and will continue to invest in Ukraine with over 50 billion dollars worth of billions of dollars. In the states of Arkansas, Alabama and Florida, Trump has lost, the White House has lost.”

So respond to Russia

Kreml-Sprecher Peskow responded to the criticism of Trump’s siege and said at a press conference, it is not possible that the Krieg continued through the night. Russia looks at the following situation in the Republikaner, while they die among others.

So Peskow says: “Tatsächlich hat im Unterschied zu vader politikern der Amerikan Elite Herr Trump vom Wunsch geprochen, Frieden herzustellen en nicht vom Wunsch, the Krieg bis zum letzten Ukrainian fortzusetzen.” It is likely that it will happen more if Wahlkampfgetöse does this. Russia became Trump after his first actions in his turn.