
Stöcker könnte Gaststätte in Frühjahröffnen

Stöcker könnte Gaststätte in Frühjahröffnen

Bernstadt/Kiesdorf. This new thought is a good and another sharp goal. That day is: 14 years after the purchase of the friendly guest house “Brauner Hirsch” and after the winter holidays so often the years of sanitation so that the traditions of the house at the Bernstädter market are open in the future. Today, the team of Schönau-Berzdorfer Gemeinderat was officially appointed “Braunen Hirsch” by the team of Stöcker Hotel GmbH in April. Damit could have been concerned about the start of the restaurant, the hotel was heard soll, fallen.

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Die bad Nachricht in die Zusammenhang ist: Im Gegenzug zich Stöckers Firma aus dem Kiesdorfer Kulturzentrum zurück and became demnach spatestens from April auch keinen Mittagstisch in Kiesdorf more offers. If all goes well, the Versorgung der Kitas in Kiesdorf und Schönau the Versorgung der Grundschule no longer belongs to the Stöcker Hotel GmbH gewährleistet wird. “Zu Ende März since the Essensvereinbarungen with the Einrichtungen kundigt,” informed Bürgermeisterin Luisa Rönisch (Schönauer SV).

The Kulturzentrum in Kiesdorf has been leased by the Stöcker Hotel GmbH since 2012. Here the illegal impfungen with the stock antigen stattgefunden can take place.

The Kulturzentrum in Kiesdorf has been leased by the Stöcker Hotel GmbH since 2012. Here the illegal impfungen with the stock antigen stattgefunden can take place.

Since July 2012, the report of the Erbbaupachtrag für the Kiesdorfer „Kulti“, who is ignored by the people. Seven years were the best factories, with the option, if the sale lasted a year, when no Kündigung took place. Stöcker hatte das Kulti aus strategic Gründen erworben: Here it is worthwhile to get a “warm kitchen” for the Opening of the Gasthofs “Brauner Hirsch” and also get the gastronomy and the “Blauen Lagune” provided, the anfangs also von der Stöcker Hotel GmbH mitbetrieben wurde. Außerdem übernahm das Unternehmen Schul- und Kitaversorgung.

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Letzteres hang with the Kündigung des Pachtverhältnisses nun in der Luft. Imagine also dying Frage, wer ab April de Kita- und Schulspeisung liefert. This energy source may last too long for new potential to be added to the culture. When you use Rönisch, there is an interesting, cultural and childish essence. If you can no longer get everything done and spruchreif, you say. As long as it can last until the Gemeinde offers have not started with a new love, the other things become messes.

Anyone who cannot get those first guests at the Opening of the Gasthofes “Brauner Hirsch” cannot be vague. On an SZ problem that Winfried Stöcker has on the terms and the boards, it is still not good. For a reichlichen year the stock in an SZ interview would be concrete, that the Kiesdorfer Köche thenn the Gaststätte betreiben sollen and there schon im Herbst 2024 vom Betrieb des Restaurants ausgehe. Exceeding the limit is not the best thing in the mayor. If all goes well, the Stöcker Hotel GmbH has come out of the Kulti world, it’s a long time.