
Gottmadingen: Verein leistet urgent benötigte Hilfe

Gottmadingen: Verein leistet urgent benötigte Hilfe

Hegau – The Hegauer Hilfsorganisation Brücke der Freundschaft (BdF) leads with its partners in Sambia überaus full work. Erfhren de Mitglieder der Hilfsorganisation und sonstige Interessierte im vollbesetzten Gemeindesaal des evangelischen Gemeindezentrums in Gottmadingen.

Klaus Brachat and Kornelija Hladek, Vorsitzender and Cashiererin of BdF, report about their trip to Sambia in June those years. Ausgehend von Lusaka, der Hauptstadt Sambias, besuchten si auf ihrer 3500 Kilometers long travel with the car all new Partners in the Norden of Sambia. “I don’t want the people who are involved in targeted work, either alone or together with other organizations, to have any control. I have made the best choices with my motivated people. The partnership with the various health and education systems is stable and stable,” said Klaus Brachat.

The communication and description of the quality of long-term partnerships, the quality and understanding of the frequent friendships. My photography can follow one of the many Hilversum and BdF projects in the Kranken- und Bildungseinrichtungen at the Daseinsorge documentation.

So the hospital in Chilonga with 240 Betten, a Medical and Mental Health Western School and a medical clinic with medical and nursing care. For dying in that hospital in the Zentrum voor Frauenheilkunde, Pauline Borsboom would have incurred other personal costs from the BdF. Some rural health care centers (Krankeneinrichtungen bis 50 Betten mit Fachpersonal, alldings ohne Arzt, and Home-Based-Cares, Einrichtungen ähnlich von Sozialstationen) were offered.

Other photos showed radiant Kinder. You live and work in the BdF-gebautenschulden and Waisen-Kindertagesstätten. So in January 2023, the primary school in Nakonde will be able to open the Schulbetrieb. The road from Brachat and Hladek führte to the Gemeindezentrum in Isoka, from 1996 connections available. This center will be implemented in 2024 as an investment for Alt and Jung. The new center is a debt school that focuses on street children and childish and various caritative insights and torches in the mountains.

Trotz der positiven Eindrücke in de Partnerorten erklärte Brachat: „Wir haben auf unserer Reise auch schauderhafte Verhältnisse gesehen.“ Seine Aussage invested with erschütternden Aufnahmen aus den Dörfern. Obwohl Sambia das drittgrößte Kupfervorkommen der Welt habe, hätten nur zehn Prozent der 20 Millionen Menschen zählenden Bevölkerung Jobs, while they bezahlen Steuern, which the State brings in Money. 80 Enjoy your stay in the landwirtschaft, see a small landwirte, but you won’t live there.

The war between people is ultimately a fact, but the large financial resources and enormous involvement are increasing, one of the weapons in Sambia is elementary.

Helves the People

Die Brücke der Freundschaft ( is een gemeinnützig anerkannter Verein mit 180 Mitgliedern. It has been a number of years since Netz von Partnerschaften grew up in Sambia and his mittlerweile in Tansania and Mexico tätig. The business, expenses and operations of partnerships may be called upon. Bank connection: Sparkasse Engen-Gottmadingen, IBAN DE70 6925 1445 0008 1055 12.