
Joko Winterscheidt: “Been in therapy for 1.5 years”

Joko Winterscheidt: “Been in therapy for 1.5 years”

I am TV is more witzig and well informed – private messages are the Kult-Moderator who is not so good for a longer time

In a podcast, TV entertainer Joko Winterscheid spoke about enormous wealth and time, which lasts 1.5 years in the Thearpie. It is Hilfe who is in a dream in a dream, when there is a catamaran meeting with her friends. “I was not happy. That was without my authority. I thought: ‘That is not normal, that is not good.'”


Joko Winterscheidt

Auch im Freundeskreis remained Jokos Probleme not unnoticed. Half of the friendship in therapy treatment lasts 1.5 years. Winterscheidt sees “it’s good, helping others and it looks like they’re helping.”

The mental health problem can arise when people mumble and find their jobs. Joko Mutter starts, when there is more war against Krebs. Aufgewachsen is with his barrel and two Geschwistern. “We were so young, because I was not happy, I was lost,” he said in the Podcast. In the end, it was important to have a clear idea of ​​the future, because it was passive. Auch sein Job hinterließ Spuren. Obwohl Joko owes his existence for his existence and the damn power is that the war is no longer for him, “in the center of the stones.”

During the therapy that Winterscheid “besser knows” and concretes: “It is the truth, that can be nur jedememfehlen.”