
ROUNDUP 2: Rheinmetall became more impossible

ROUNDUP 2: Rheinmetall became more impossible

(neu: Aktienentwicklung, more analysts, Aussagen aus Telefonkonferenz)

DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Deutschlands größter Rüstungskonzern Rhinemetal (ETR:) involved in Quartal vom Rüstungsboom informs the Ukraine-Kriegs profitable. “Wirleben ein Wachstum, who wir es im Konzern noch nie hatten”, said Konzernchef Armin Papperger in the Donnerstag laut Mitteilung. It looks like Marge is a higher bisher. All information about access to the image. The following was announced last time: The Rheinmetall-Action was created with the German Kursgewinnen and the Spitze.

If the paper is worth more, it will cost 532.20 euros, but it could end up in the min-drehhh war at trading time. The year started with the Aktie Mittlerweile winning 85 Prozent, in the three years that the Aktie was sold in the future. Anfang April charged a price of 571.80 Euro.

Fürs laufende Jahr gauges der Vorstand nun een operative Ergebnis Margin von Rund 15 Prozent an. Bisher hatte der Rüstungskonzern 14 bis 15 Prozent in Aussicht gestellt. I was three months behind Marge at 12.3 Prozent. Im Gesamtjahr 2023 has 12.8 Prozent bettresten. The employee Ergebnis jumped to 302 million euros in a few years six months ago. Here the rulers of the Spanish ammunition repairers are positively noticeable. After winning the promotion, they won 135 million euros and a Drittel would last another year longer.

The average price is 40 euros per month depending on the price. For the management’s vision for 2024, an amount of 10 billion euros and including additional costs is added. Neben from the affiliated Hilfe for the Ukraine has the high Nachfrage of the Bundeswehr and other Streitkrafte in the European Union of NATO for a more dynamic Markttentwicklung.

The quarters saw case results, wrote JPMorgan analyst David Perry. The results for Rheinmetall in the coming years will be more interesting. Kurzfristig has discovered the insecurity for the peace conzern – by Donald Trump’s Wahlsieg in the US and for the Ampel Coalition in Germany. Perry has done more research on the financing of government budgets and the further study of Ukraine.

In a telephone conference, Rheinmetall Chief Papperger says with a click on the best friend of the Bundeswehr udoch unbesorgt. If you’re looking for a way to explore Neuwahlen in Deutschland, there are a few simple steps you can take. When major problems arise, there are no problems.

Look at Donald Trump as the new US presidential power, Paperger is not nervous. Dieser became the NATO state with the greatest possible balance of interests. See how the US market outlook continues. Die Mitte August has a performance of the US-Fahrzeugspezialisten Loc Performance up to years in the trockenen Tüchern sein. Feedback from the United States is positive, concrete Papperger.

“Rheinmetall was built, that is the result of the heavy metalwork,” Papperger continued. The current Rheinmetall nomination was awarded with a prize of 6.05 billion euros. This knowledge is one of the classic ways to enter another volume with a new abstraction of military knowledge.

Fürs Gesamtjahr has placed Rheinmetall’s Nomination Forecast at 30 to 40 Billion Euros. Ensure that the peace estate with a value of 40 billion euros is assessed. Berenberg analyst George McWhirter died from complications of his illness, but there was a large amount that did not progress. This could be released until 2025. It’s a big overshoot, but it’s negative.

Goldman analyst Victor Allard said Rheinmetall did not investigate the joint armor firm with Italy’s Waffenschmiede Leonardo (BIT:) in its fourth quarter. These orders take longer than a few years. Rheinmetall hatte de Gründung des Gemeinschaftsunternehmens mit Leonardo Mitte Oktober angekündigt. If a bigger price is paid, an order from the Italian army in the money of more than 20 billion euros is in sight.

Trotz der Verzögerungen hat Rheinmetall is een sich auch Auftragspolster that neither. The backlog, which contains the top-up file, is one of the most violent attacks involving military weapons, which amounted to 51.9 billion euros at the end of September. After the two quarter standings 48.6 Billion Euros zu Buche.

If you make a profit on the rest costs, you can fulfill your orders with lower costs. The free barmittelfluss is displayed in the following German language plus 117 million euros. In the Vorjahresquartal, 105 million euros were deposited.

Regions in the Vortag hatte Rheinmetall an Umbau des Vorstands bekanntgegeben. In the new year, Finance Chief Dagmar Steinert took up his new mandate. If Klaus Neumann were to take the next step, he could work in the kitchen for a year. Zeitgleich became Rene Gansauge, bislang Leader of the Sparte Weapon and Ammunition, who took over a newly created position for the Tagesgeschäft and Chief Operating Officer. The publication with konzernchef paper will be extended a year later in 2030.