
Mariahilfer Straße: “CiCi Club”-Opening roads Bezirkschef auf der Kippe

Mariahilfer Straße: “CiCi Club”-Opening roads Bezirkschef auf der Kippe

A negative attitude in the process of involving the new new business owners will spoil the experience of the new “CiCi Club”. There is a problem with the problem that arises in the traffic of the unrest in Mariahilfer Straße.

von Antonio Šećerović and Salme Taha Ali Mohamed

WIEN/MARIAHILF/NEUBAU. The stand of the “Hidden Clubs” of Martin’s Dots Gruppe was opened at Mariahilfer Straße 36 on October 31. The Geschäftsführung übernimmt with Chris Edy is a long-term Begleiter of the Star-Gastronomers.

Beim “Hidden Club” goes in the direction of the right caress of the Lärmbelästigung of the anrainer and one of the English fehlenden-genehmigung. If my opinion is about the new club, then all the note of the writing is a fact, a “harmonious unity with an unsafe situation”, because the rightful angelegenheities will be obtained from the verdingenheit. Man has followed a “completely clear concept” and the corresponding operation. MeinBezirk reported:

Statt “Hidden Club” comes with “CiCi” in Mariahilfer Straße

The more big Halloween opening parties are happening at any given time. An Instagram story states: “If you see a leader, you can inform the Verschiebung der Club CiCi about the information. Moreover, it is true that the Bezirksvorsteher for the Bezirk 1070 plays a central role in die Verzögerungen-spielen (sic!)” , “Falter.Morgen” is in front of its own tag.

Laut dem Bericht soll Neubau-Bezirksvorsteher Markus Reiter (Grüne) three days before the plants Eröffnung aine Stellungnahme and the Magistratische Bezirksamt versasst haben. There is a long term, the “wirtschaftliche leistungsfähigkeit and the insolvenzrechtliche Situation” of the Dots-Gruppe, which has the debts, could be a man who no longer has any relationship. While the works council of the Wien workers’ organization exists, the Dots group will offer a number of roads that offer lohnforderungen at a height of 240,000 euros that has been complained. MeinBezirk reports ebenfalls:

AK Wien buys Dots Gruppe from Martin Ho for 240,000 Euro

Verspätete Eröffnung auf der Kippe

A day of später plants of the “CiCi Club” de verspätete Opening at Donnerstag, 7. November, at 10 PM. But now this is the case for all other things as well as in Tüchern. It is not the case that my information information will end the separation of the government agencies involved. The best results of my bezirk-anfrage-bezirksvorsteher reiter are club betreiber Chris Edy.

Due to the painter in education, who created the Bezirksamt of the previous Konzept-positive, this Bewertung vom Bezirk Mariahilf has become so anerkannt. If the Stellungnahme of Neubau verzöger and then has a negative influence, Edy has become a “very comical Angelegenheit” sei. Grund seien “wirtschaftliche Sorgen” aufgrund der Geschichten aus der Vergangenheit.

Geschäftsführer Chris Edy will die in the new Club "There are no new shapes"who is in a final heißt. | Photo: Eat butter first

“It’s a matter of a more technical nature, but a business-like environment,” says Edy. “Ausgerechnet voor Halloween, where the Möglichkeit took place, Trinkgeld could be earned, and where Jung-Unternehmer can machen an Umsatz, verstehe ich die Stellungnahme nicht”, is said to have been said. Mehrmals have been viewed, nor a week before Halloween with the Bezirksvorsteher personal contact, who has said “no interest in a single conversation” and war official in Urlaub.

“Schwerwiegende Vorwürfe im Raum”

Gegenüber MeinBezirk said the office of the Bezirksvorstehers that the themes of the night and the continuation of the charges for the night barschaft of the Bezirk were taken “seriously”. Here is the “greater Sorgfalt” where the Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH) imposes the generation for the “Hidden Club”. “The uncertainty that Martin Hos Dots Club has achieved in 2021 is evident, as is the first Mal schon ohne Genehmigung aufgesperrt hat. As a bezirksvorsteher bin ich danbar, that jetzt the Thoughts and the Einspruch of the Anrainerinnen and Anrainerinnen were taken seriously by the VfGH-Entscheider müssen” , so the Bezirkschef.

Laut dem Bericht soll Neubau-Bezirksvorsteher Markus Reiter (Grüne) three days before the plants Eröffnung aine Stellungnahme and the Magistratische Bezirksamt versasst haben. (Archive) | Photo: Markus Spitzauer

But Reiter said that the results now represent the low interest rate for a negative Stellungnahme war. It is “quiet life in the environment” and dies “deckt itself with Messages, the anonymous and my Vertrauen on me, otherwise bei a Grätzlgespräch on the Mariahilfer Straße, rerangetragen wurden”, heißt es. Bezirk sei man für “Fair Pay, Awareness und Mehrwert für die Anrainerinnen en Anrainer”.

Stadt könnte Machtwort sprechen

Zurück zur Betriebsanlagengenehmigung: Edy erklärte gegenüber MeinBezirk, dass die Stellungnahme vom Bezirksamt “positive” and “objective” war. It is a negative development caused by the company as the journey to the city continues. Edy is not a bad person neither in the Donnerstag, nor in the Freitag or in the kommenden Woche. If the Grund can be, the eruption of the new locals will not end up in the world.

36-year-old Chris Edy has spent more years for the Dots Group equipment, and started with “Vie i Pee”, the “Pratersauna”, the “Take Five” and “Hidden Club” and has been in charge of Night Gastronomy for 20 years tätig. There are clubs with their own event and lifestyle agent and are not a substitute for festivals and events.

More about the theme:

Martin Hos “X Club” in Wien jetzt für all attacks

Staatsanwaltschaft Wien ermittelt against Martin Ho

Dots Goup von Martin See “Hetzkampagne” by AK Wien

Dots-Gruppe does not participate in the task