
Landtag enjoys more security measures after Gaza-Parolen

Landtag enjoys more security measures after Gaza-Parolen

Landtagsverwaltung in Lower Saxony is based on the Grundlage, a new analysis by the Landescriminalamt (LKA) with its Sicherheitsvorkehrungen. Whoever has written the Verwaltung op de Anfrage Mitteilte, de LKA-Analyse, die nach de Gaza-Schmierereien am Landtagsgebäude in Hannover erörtert, dieser Woche vertraulich erörtert, will die. “It may be that we have more security measures than the Landtagsverwaltung der Zeit with the Fraktionen,” said one Sprecher.

An analysis of the police has produced the results of the analysis of the results, the best results with regard to the überprüfen. A personal and technical problem may arise. «Aus Sicherheitsgründen can be a landtagsverwaltung that contains no details here.»

At the end of September, after the elections of the CDU and the AfD, Minister of the Interior Daniela Behrens (SPD) paid more attention to politics through the Landtag, which will leave the new Gefährdungsbewertung of the LKA. As for the concern for security in the Landtags chairperson of Hanna Naber (SPD), the security of the police is nearby.

“For the Security in the Außenbereich there is a land tag where the Polizei Niedersachsen fulfills such a task with a competitive price and a consistent consequence,” says Behrens of the German press agent. The Security of the Landtags is a central place in the Security Behörden. “The non-domestic political measures were postponed until the Grundlage of the fachlichen protection of the state security officials.” Details zu kreten Polizeimaßnahmen nante die Ministerin nicht.

The Schmierereien of the so-called Leineschloss in Hannover, who have left the Parole «Free Gaza» and the Rote Dreiecke of the Islamist Hamas, were in mid-September on the night before a day of the violation of the Landtags that could be carried out and could help you not to hold on anymore. For years there were Greenpeace activities on the maps attracted by the banner and the facade, a planted Erdgas-Bohrungen for Borkum protests.