
Sung after dinner: Dunkel or white – which chocolate is more healthy?

Sung after dinner: Dunkel or white – which chocolate is more healthy?

Dunkle Schokolade makes a good impression. They will hinder a severe attack of hunger and continue like this. Is it wise to use a white Schokolade?

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If an artist from the Schokolade wants to answer the question for the Körper, come and let us know the aspects of the picture.

Grundsätzlich can dunk a man or the whole Schokolade na his Kalorienzahl, de Zucker-sowie de Kakaogehalt vergleichen.

White Chocolate: What would it be like to dunk Chocolate?

The limestone in the Schokolade can grow higher.

If you set the white and whole milk chocolate to the high acidity setting, the amount of water will increase even more. It’s a Trugschluss. A erased Kakaoanteil can have the Schokolade sogar mehr Kalorien as other sorts.

In the video I see that Schokolade de Stiftung Warentest is the best.

So hat white chocolate with 100 grams of 540 calories. Dunkle Schokolade with 50% Kakaoanteil 496 Kalorien. The difference between the Kalorien is not great.

Bei a Kakaoanteil von 70% hingegen, haben 100 Gramm schwarzer Schokolade ganze 598 Kalorien, also deutlich more as the white Variante.

Are you hungry for white chocolate?

The white schockolade was a German higher Zuckergehalt that as dunkle, the representation of the Blutzuckerspiegel rasant, was by Hemmung von Fettabbau führt. Dadurch would receive the Gefühl von Heißhunger.

Der Vorteil von dunkler Schokolade: Die Lust, a wonderful lifestyle in essence, puts the mess bar up a little and less when he has control.

So Kakao is healthy

Kakao enthalt Flavanole. It is a second phase of the cooking time during cooking. These wirken blood pressuresenkend.

Je hoher de Kakaoanteil in der Schokolade ist, umso stärker auf de Wirkung. Once you are done, the price of sugar is higher and lower than the negative consequences of the Herz-Kreislauf system and the weight you can lose.

If you give the Schokolade a Vorteile hat, you can now mix it in small quantities. While the high temperature in advance and the high temperature may be excessive deterioration, as for the white chocolate tray.

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