
So see Sie Türkei – Deutschland im Free-TV: Handbal-EM-Quali am Sonntag | Sports mix

So see Sie Türkei – Deutschland im Free-TV: Handbal-EM-Quali am Sonntag | Sports mix

Gelingt der Traumstart in the EM-Kwali?

We are looking forward to playing for the German Handballer from Turkey in the 2026 Handball Championship Qualification. Anwurf ist am Sonntag at 3.10 pm in the Turkish Hauptstadt Ankara. BILD white, who is present live on the free TV broadcast.

Der Einstand ist gelungen: Beim 35:26-Kantersieg gegen die Schweiz am Donnerstag hat die DHB-Auswahl towards Eindruck authorized. Federal coach Alfred Gíslason (65) praised the team after the game: “I am very happy with the life of the young. They have played the right gut. Make sure you don’t regret the spielfreude. Die Mannschaft hatte Richt Spaß.”

Schon zur Halbzeit führte Deutschland with 8 Tower, and how I cannot escape during the war of the Sieg. Besonders Goalkeeper Andreas Wolff (33) will spend the winter in Paraden on September 17! Andy Schmid (41), trainer of Schweizer, war after the game ends with the DHB-Team: “Germany has said it, was World Class bedeutet.” Bereits beim Auftakt der Heim-EM zu Beginn des Years ließ the Team of Alfred Gíslason de Eidgenossen has a chance and becomes clear at 27:14.

Das Ziel für Sonntag: der Zweite Sieg im Zweiten Spiel. The Turks must establish a strong Niederlage against Austria (31:28) and have no courage whatsoever. If the Turkish state is in the EM qualification, this is a historical fact: the first time that the endrunde is a bigger handball gymnast.

At Gummersbach-SiegMore intense sight-full hit for Handball-Star

    Bei Gummersbach-Sieg: More intense facial achievement for Handball-Star

Quelle: DYN

EM-Quali: Türkei gegen Deutschland läuft live on free TV

Watch for all fans: the party will be broadcast live on free TV on ARD! The start is at 3:10 PM, shipping starts at 2:50 PM. You can use a free Livestream in the ARD Mediathek.