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Melania Trump joined Mann Donald Trump at the Wahl Party in Palm Beach after making his first impression. (the/place)

ddp images/STELLA Images/Tribune content

SpotOn newsSpotOn news | 08.11.2024, 16:49 Uhr

If Donald Trump’s Wahl appeals to American presidents, Melania Trump’s Schicksal as First Lady is under siege. An impulse, at the age of 54, began his life. Do you want to know who is in Rampenlicht zurückkehren?

With the relatives of Donald Trump (78), who turned the American president against his wife Melania Trump (54), there is more in the fight against the problems. Although the evil and fun First Lady of the US gets the chance to adopt that privileged attitude, it can’t last longer. This Gründe started to become a Vollzeit-Comeback of Melania Trump as the First Lady of the United States of America and the following pages of Ehemannes.