
Bluthochdruck: Diese Routine schützt deine Gefäße

Bluthochdruck: Diese Routine schützt deine Gefäße

Fast jeder dritte Deutsche hat zu hohen Blutdruck. It may be that autumn will be a joyful life. A routine can be a problem.

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A more normal blood pressure is the basis for good health. Umgekehrt invests Hypertonia (griech.: Bluthochdruck) although the first Platz bei de Todesursachen: 9.4 Millionen Todesfälle jährlich, more like half of the entire Schlaganfälle and etwa half of all koronaren Herzerkrankungen come to the Konto dieser Krankheit. Hochrechnungen für das Year 2025 gehen von etwa 1.5 Milliard Hypertonikern weltweit aus.

Bluthochdruck: Ab dem 50. Lebensjahr ist jeder Zweite affected

This is the situation that has arisen. “Wir haben eine riesige Zahl an Affecten. Ab dem 30. Lebensjahr haben etwa 30 Prozent der Deutschen Bluthochdruck. Ab dem 50. Lebensjahr sogar jeder Zweite. That is a matter of study abgesichert,” says Prof. Martin Reincke, director of the Medizinischen Klinik and Poliklinik IV des Klinikums der Universität München.

Trotz der drhenden Gefahr for de eigene Gesundheit ahnen rund zwei Drittel or Betroffen nichts von ihren gesundheitlichen Problemen. “Bluthochdruck is often not or only a problem, it is a good Leidensdruck. There is nothing we cannot do, it is the tragedy that high Blutdruckwert can be”, there is Reincke who has solved the problem. Now that there is a hypertonicity of the correct diagnosis and consequence, attention is paid to solving problems and shifting organic problems. BUNTE clarifies the important fragments: Whoever you can use, whatever therapy will be given and for which no medicine is required anymore.

Blutdruck: Was that?

“Damit das Blut in den Körper fließt, in Richtung Organe und bis in die smallest Kapillargefäße, muss das Herz einen gewissen Druck aufbauen”, erklärt Dr. Johannes Scholl, Gründer der Deutschen Akademie für Präventivmedizin. Jedes Mal, who lived together as Herz, druckt es Blut in de Arterien und der Blutdruck-steigt. Be that as it may, the maximum combination is that the highest level of the blutdrucks is the systolic blutdruck. Then it can’t last any longer. Information about the blutdruck on the Ruhewert is the diastolic blutdruck.

The mass for this temperature is measured in mmHg. If you use the millimeter (mm), the pressure on the butts is a quicksilbersäule (Hg) before welding. Die Einheit is een kostenlos Geht zurück auf de Italian Mathematics und Physiker Evangelista Torricelli (1608 – 1647).

Was the Blutdruck more suitable?

When people adapt to the flexible pressure and the Alltagsbedingungen. If we do a few things in the Ruhe, the Herz can no longer work. Dann fell into the Blutdruck. Sports, about emotions with madness, stress and nervousness or an exciting football game can sometimes repeat the frequency and pressure. “This nutrition is automatically activated by the vegetative nervous system and by hormone regulation,” says Reincke. If you take the money out of the tap, the Blutdruck is higher. One of the things that Reincke does is a major influence factor: “Many people were born clean with erhöhtem, aber nor normalm Blutdruck. The strong risk for Bluthochdruck is genetically fixed in those cases.

A larger part comes from the Lebensstil period. When you connect, this is nothing in the first place. Playing a factory rook involves alcohol, tobacco, foul play, or poor handling of a role. One of the consequences of the affected disease is an identifiable Ursache who has kidney disease or a hormonal disorder.” A Bluthochdruck patient does not have a heavy weight and becomes less heavy. You may go from Termin to Termin ditz.”

Why is Hypertonia so common?

“Mittel- und langfristig besthen extreme hohe Kräfte an der inneren Haut der Adern. If the blue is with high pressure, never die Reibung zu. Das lässt sich met een Straße vergleichen. Fahren nur Pkw dort, hält si lang. Wird sie aber massenweise von Schwerlastwagen überrollt, hatman bald Löcher und other Schäden”, erklärt Reincke. Bluthochdruck verursacht een chronic, prolong Schädigung der Gefäße. Das fuhrt zu Entzündungen. The layered walls of the housing can be inserted and inflated over time and the sound can come from thrombosis, blutgerinnseln. “Statistical behavior of the risks for various follow-up examinations, when the blood pressure limit exceeds 140/90 mmHg,” says Reincke. Then there are long-term maintenance steps in the Netzhaut, in the Gehirn, in the Nieren or in the Herz.

The following events are dramatic: Sehstörungen and Sehschwäche, Nierenversagen, Herzinfarkt and Schlaganfall. Zwei Drittel or Schlaganfälle ends up on a high blutdruck zurück. The composition of the breeding ground was placed by Bluthochdruck at the Todesursachen-weltweit in the first place, for alcohol and tobacco products, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.

Who do I notice, where is the pressure?

If the warning system stops working at Bluthochdruck in the Stich, the Krankheit will disappear as a “Quieter Killer” attack. It will not be the case for a long time that there will be little protection. I am gegenteil: Bluthochdruckpatienten fühlen sich sogar besonders wohl and leistungsfähig. If we go in a different direction, the head or air flow at the load is unspecific and often becomes overloaded.

To recognize and treat your health concerns correctly, assess your regular check-up. “Egal ob man zum Frauenarzt oder nur zur Grippeimpfung zum Allgemeinarzt geht – de Blutdruckmessung gehört unbedingt dazu”, Reincke concretes. “You are in your family with a lot of pressure, so that you can be alone in your own life.”

Who would be the right gemstones?

Even if you spend time in the house, you will be happy in the relaxed atmosphere and enjoy your time while sitting without reason or with ease. Watch a stunde while exercising and 30 minutes on coffee and nikotin. It is not that there is another problem and that the upper arm cannot go through the clothing. “Der Praxisblutdruck serves all things also as Orientation. It is possible that the patient’s practice has a high Blutdruckwerte messen, obwohler im Alltag keinen Bluthochdruck hat. Dies nennt man ‘Weißkittel-Effekt'”, explains Internist Scholl. “It is true that a diagnosis was made before the man started therapy.”

Diagnosis Bluthochdruck: Was jetzt?

Fest Steht: A minimal erhöhte Werte sollte man nicht auf de light Schulter nehmen. If there is a mild hypertonia that increases the risks for herz-kreislauf research and a früheren Tod, this is by more study research. “Whoever has the ideal therapy will not last longer. The treatment method will support the treatment of the patients,” said Scholl. “When it comes to preventing sugar and cholesterol lowering diseases, it is a family disease for the disease or how Netzhautschäden disease is caused, helping the human and strengthening the drugs.”

All other states take tablets

It could be that there is a problem with a slight bruise or some other problem that gives you the opportunity to dry and fall. It is the first study of the treatment. “Kommen could be a risk factor or a strong blutdruck is a lifestyle that is not abroad. Then you start to start treatment with medications,” said Reincke. The Standard-Medikamente zur Verfügung is carried out in that autumn. “A drug has given the Blutdruck an etwa of 10 mmHg. This is the place where a Zweier combination with the Therapy begins, damn that the Ziel Blutdruck has a 140/90 mmHg-erreicht.”

Scholl has conducted a study on individual treatment and Arzneimittel combination: “Man should be concerned about the fact that patients with metabolic syndrome have not been developed with medications, diabetes risk increases, for everything with beta blockers,” Scholl warned and said: “Beta blockers were in Deutschland is still a leader in the field of healthcare, but also works with a healthcare program for weight loss and diabetes, when it comes to alleviating the disease and improving disease and recovery prevention in the field of the disease ung stehen sie deshalb an funter Stelle.” Bei manchen Patients reconsider Lebensstiländerungen noch Medikamente eine Wirkung. Dann spricht man from therapy-resistant Bluthochdruck. “Etwas siebent aller Hochdruckpatienten since we were concerned,” says Reincke. “If there are cases of a drug, the man can be zurückgreifen. Be concerned by his facharzt and his heart, kidneys and hormones. And again by nephrologists, cardiologists or endocrinologists or by all be approached.”

Warum tut Bewegung so gut and who fell Sport sollte man treiben?

“Korperliche Aktivität improves the Elastizität of Gefäße, damit zintv of systolic Wert. Auch durch Bewegung angeregte hormonal Process machen the Gefäße elasticer and influencing the Blutvolumen. Hinzu kommt: Wer sich more movements, nimmt ab. So we became schädliche Hormone from the m Fettge webe reduziert , die blutdrucksteigernd wirken,” Scholl explains. Once done, this can have an effective effect. The European high-pressure guidelines are for patients who are active between 30 and 40 minutes. Sports medicine expert Scholl sees the difference: “I am more than happy to take care of the development and training of the patients according to the individual situation of the patient. We have not been active in war for a long time, but we have to pay 5000 credits for our own activities.” Sporting decisions take part in the expertise, the treatment in the Alltag is a fact. “You can reach an U-Bahn station from outside the Treppen statt der Rolltreppe or in the Mittagspause around the Häuserblock zu gehen. That’s it!”

Is Bluthochdruck salutary?

“Unter optimalen Umständen ja”, so the ermutating Botschaft des Münchner Experten Reincke. There is a warning for Missverständnissen. If there is a reduction of 50 percent of patients for a year, their medications or other tablets are no longer normal, but their blood sugar levels normalize. If there is a problem, the Bluthochdruck is now not under pressure, not healed. We are concerned about the rest of our lives with medical care. Now you can see your life-threatening activities with herzinfarkt and schlaganfall. Otherwise you will see it when the blood pressure is threatened by a living life. Reincke erklärt: “I am very happy with my patients, who have strong physical and mental health habits and are therefore not very active. If they motivate people, they can achieve better weight and reduce their weight, they can do it better.” wohl statt Hypertonia Grade 1 or 2 wieder normal Werte haben.”