
Wahlkampf-Endspurt in der Steiermark – 5 minutes

Wahlkampf-Endspurt in der Steiermark – 5 minutes

Released on November 8, 2024, 6:16 PM

The SPÖ leading candidate Anton has long sought a coalition with Landeshauptmann Drexler (ÖVP).

The SPÖ leading candidate Anton has long sought a coalition with Landeshauptmann Drexler (ÖVP).

It is about the SPÖ in the final phase of the Wahlkampfs and about putting the Schwerpunkt on the most important themes. While the FPÖ held a press conference, the ÖVP-Kandidat Drexler was disappointed by his Wählern erhält.

von APA

2 Minutes Readezeit(435 Worter)

The Freitag started the Styrian SPÖ with rund 150 Mitgliedern auf der Grazer Murinsel in the final phase of the Wahlkampfs for the Landtagswahl on November 24. I am a Mittelpunkt who prefers the placards with the slogan “Weil er es kann” as the Botschaft “Anton Lang: Landeshauptmann”. Then comes the House of Representatives, a social democracy that can go further than your machine.

Speech with central themes

In de seiner kurzen Rede – möglicherweise aufgrund der fresh Temperatures am Nachmittag, trotz der letzten Sonnenstrahlen – empty Anton Long den Fokus auf zentrale Themen wie Wirtschaft, Arbeitsplätze and bezahlbares Wohnen. Concrete is a good idea, the rights of men and women in the ground, compensation is the Ausbau of kinderbetreuungsplätzen that generate a lot of money.

Koalition with Drexler is supported

Long warn that a fortress set is a black or black coalition that is “gmahte Wiesn”, if it is Landeshauptmann Christopher Drexler (ÖVP) dies anstreben. There is talk of the Landtagswahlen in Niederösterreich, Salzburg and Vorarlberg, while the Schwarz-Blau represents the Regierung. Make sure it’s good Landesgeschäftsführer Florian Seifter (SPÖ) in one of the best offers: “We will brauchen with our white eyes and live in black-blue.”

SPÖ and Lang as a connecting element

Soziallandesrätin Doris Kampus (SPÖ), which after the Wahl vom Landtag op de Stadtbene wechseln and kein Mandaat meer in Landtag was incorporated, concreted the SPÖ and Anton Lang as connecting elements – how the Murinsel in the year 2003 in the Rahmen des Kulturhauptstadtjahres knüpft the two Stadtteile miteinander hat . “If you attack Graz, nothing will happen. And so Toni Lang is: Einer, der die Welten jijnzuammenführt, nicht spaltet, en der aus der Mitte kommt“, concrete sie.

FPÖ veranstaltete Pressekonferenz

Am Freitag veranstalteten auch other Parteien Wahlkampfttermine. Die FPÖ lud Niederösterreichs Landeshauptmannstellvertreter Udo Landbauer (FPÖ) with a press conference, after the theme of Asylum and Migration. Landbauer concretes the application for asylum for asylum seekers and criticizes the “unacceptable relations of the people’s party” in the context of illegal migration. It’s sturdy FPÖ Spitzen candidate Mario Kunasek Make sure that you get more justice in court and that you appeal to the asylum seeker’s family. FPÖ Security Guard Hannes Amesbauer meinte: „If you don’t have an Asylbremse, without an Asylstopp: The Boot is full.“

Landeshauptmann Drexler erhält Unterstützung

Am Freitag erhielt Landeshauptmann Drexler Unterstützung through the platform “Miteinander Steiermark”, the people’s association, which can see more in the future as Landeshauptmann. While the other Anna Seitinger follows, among others, the farmers of Hans Seitinger, the Mediziner Michael Lehofer, the Pöllauer Fleischermeister Robert Buchberger. (APA/Ed. 8.11.24)