
Forchheimer nach Verletzung in Mallorca vom BRK zurückgeholt

Forchheimer nach Verletzung in Mallorca vom BRK zurückgeholt

Urlaub – the most beautiful Time of the Year. Abschalten, refueling in Mallorca and lots of sports. So for Herrn Müller (78, Name geändert): Jogging on the Lieblingsgolfplatz. But dieser Mittwoch would otherwise leave. As an example, a small family with a flashy photograph is busy with their laurel wreath on the golf courses. An incorrect writing on an abschüssigem-gelände, under a firm swing on a straight knee.

The Schmerz War was fierce and the diagnosis was made in the Krankenhaus: A Riss of the Quadrizepssehne, which has been stretched. Noch am selben Tag wurde Herr Müller auf der Insel operates. If there is a Tage nach der OP kam der Suspect on a Wundinfektion – a possible problem, that its severity increases.

Herr Müller takes care of himself in Forchheim, in his living environment. But the home journey alone would be enjoyable, but it would certainly be impossible. Seine Ehefrau erinnerte sich: Seit Jahren ist er Fördermitglied beim Bayerischen Roten Kreuz. Kurze Zeit später war with the family with the Medical Operations Center (MOC) of the DRK Flugdienst GmbH in Kontakt – from a direct connection to Mr. Müller’s home.

Fast and professional coordination of the MOC all the necessary information: From the information provided by the Mediterranean environment, the destinations in Mallorca and in Germany are available for transportation purposes. The analysis proved that Mr Müller needed clean and much more transport, and so the sorgfältig planted Rückholung began.

The answer was exactly the same: a Krankenwagen took Herrn Müller to the Flughafen Palma de Mallorca, and to the mobility service of the Flughafens, a transfer that would possibly be reimbursed and would provide a barrier for the figures. A zentraler Möglichmacher bei dieser Rückholung war Ron, een erefahrener Krankenpfleger of DRK Flugdienst GmbH, der Herrn Müller vom Krankenbett in Palma bis zurück nach Deutschland begleitete. Ron was on the same day in Frankfurt after Mallorca, because of the medical treatment of patients. “With a small bureaucracy, everything depends on the DRK Flugdienst. “Ein Rundum-Sorglos-Package for our Christmas-Mitglieder“, explains Ron.

In the Business Class of Discover Airlines (gehört zur Lufthansa Group), where there is a whole Sitzreihe special reservation for Herrn Müller, the flights are high and clean. An Ambulance Flugzeug, also one of the intensive private flights of the intensive station, did not work that autumn – but it is also part of the Repertoire of the DRK Flugdienst GmbH. Ron takes care of all administrative details and represents the patients on the page as a representative of the partner. Mr. Müller announced the situation: “Ich hätte nicht gewusst, wie ich nach Hause komme. If someone is in Ausland and does not have good knowledge, the man is lost.“ Ron war and diesem Tag seine Konstante – er kan Herrn Müllers Krankheitsbild und sorgte dafür, die nicht Hilfsmittel met een Rollstuhl oder de medisch notfallequipment voor de Ernstfall stets were available.

Before Ron’s cursory letter to the flight crew and board, all the patients who informed and informed their patients were in serious trouble. The stage is canceled in Frankfurt. Ron has taken over the management of the team, the Bodengebundenen Weitertransport: a Rettungswagenbesatzung of the Kreisverband Forchheim – dessen Mitglied Herr Müller was active for more than 10 years. The Kreisverband Forchheim began to get an idea of ​​​​the purpose, which would leave your house and that the transport from the Krankenhaus would be necessary. Within this period, the Kreisverband thanked the Kreisgeschäftsführerin Fr. Dr. Birgit Kastura, the Vorsitzenden Herrn Michael Fees and the Bereichsleitung Frau Sabrina Mertz are a dedicated group that has the insignificant material and the vehicle, which leave the patients at the next step and send them home after being transported safely. The abandoned group, then led by Notfallsanitäter Christian Holzmann, der Mittelgliederbeauftragten and Sanitäterin Sabrina Mertz, takes care of Sanitäter Lukas Lunz who transports patients. Safe, clean and well-stocked goes with the Krankenwagen in Klinikum Forchheim. The Fahrt War owes its attention to all aspects of its existence. The entire team is kept informed at the Krankenhaus. “Hello and Grüß Gott”, this is an end to the team of an on-duty Arzt, who confuses the patients in Palma de Mallorca. Notfallsanitäter Christian Holzmann takes care of the professional treatment of patients in Arzt’s treatment process. Finish!

After the Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus statistics of the Besatzung sowie der Vorsitzende Herr Fees also die Kreisgeschäftsführerin Fr. Dr. Kastura Herrn Müller has called on an expert in the field of his affection.

Grateful for the management of the Bayerischen Roten Kreuz, which has helped Herr Müller the Auslandsrückholung and can now generate his income in the vertical view of the fortresses, he will receive his good thanks about the costs or the Bürokratie worth his money.