
Club of Autogrammsammler: Autogrammjäger Bach: “I can’t keep up with the trend”

Club of Autogrammsammler: Autogrammjäger Bach: “I can’t keep up with the trend”

With «Litti» everything: 1993 Christian Bach vom damigen Fußball-Weltmeister Pierre Littbarski signal first Autogramm. Per Post, Bach, a player for Littbarskis 1. FC Köln as a teenager, has been given the Fußballstar star – and secretly courted, so perhaps a free ticket for an upcoming game. The Ticket never appeared after the Sammel-Leidenschaft des Göttingers war was born. “I thought it was with Littbarski, the best with Franz Beckenbauer.”

He is the owner of Bach, with the best wishes of Borussia Dortmund, after his own Schätzung rund 10,000 Autogram and is the Vorsitzende des Clubs der Autogrammsammler. Zwar hat der Club mit Sitz in Aachen nur eleven Mitglieder, seine Fachzeitschrift, die «Autogramm-Post», erreicht laut Bach aber immerhin 600 to 700 Subscribers.

«Habe unglaublich gerne Post bekommen»

Where has zum Sammler become? «I’m sorry if you don’t receive any mail,» he recalls from the last 44 years of his youth. It is also the case that the video text or the «Bravo» contains the addresses of football and social media. “I’m a bit lucky if I have a hat.”

Mittlerweile heard the Sammeln zu seinem Alltag. «Es kommen jeden Tag new Autogramme dazu.» Not all autographs are self made per message or the stars we received, one of these is a long time kauft. When you create an autogram, a person’s personal approaches are an emotional event.

“Autogramme same hilft beim Erinnern”, says Bach, der als Vertriebsmitarbeiter for a US-Industrieunternehmen labor. Gerne is more interested in buying CDs or buying autographs when you work with Widmung. On the idea, the stars that emerged directly in the summer of 1994, as Heimatverein Göttingen 05 in the DFB-Pokal at Fußball-Bundesligisten Eintracht Frankfurt, empfing – to the Zeit a star picktes Team with Anthony Yeboah and Jay-Jay Okocha. “I noted it down, the man can go to the game of the Mannschaftsbus.”

Selfies were made by Autogrammen den Rang ab

Who plays the football also has a separate role. Everything is sport heute nicht mehr der Schwerpunkt von Bachs Sammlung. There is a lot of attention for music and TV, such as the Showgeschäft. It is a special task to say that it is Sammeln uferlos.

At Concerts and other Events Bach jedoch fest, dass seine Leidenschaft – the Autogramme – at meer weniger Fans and Sammlern gefragt ist. Gerade in the generation of 15 to 35 year olds took selfies with autograms that became “a hundred percent.” If you spend 15 years longer, that’s a big deal. “The Autogramm stirbt aus,” says Bach. “Clear tut das weh. If the trend doesn’t stop.»

As a basis for the Walk of the Sammler the changed Medienlandschaft with social media and Messengern who Whatsapp. «The interest in the handwriting is, glaube ich, lost things.» There are no photographs taken over time. “You can watch every few minutes on the convenient and standard view.”

Photos of seeing stars with stars sammmelt Bach black as well – then you would rather like to take a picture of a picture as a selfie: «I don’t like it. If you take a selfie, you see that the man is bleeding.”

Autogram as Tor zur Welt

Property is a hobby for your geeignet, der Spaß Daran Hat, Findet Bach. There is no brauche Ausrüstung, no prior knowledge. «Actually, brauchst du nur a Notizbuch and our own Stift. A Valleicht Nor Umschläge und Briefmarken.» Man can warm up a few times and später wieder einsteigen. Before Sammler sees the autogram in the world, it will become a lot healthier.

In the meantime, Bach explains Wert: “I am not a Typ, in a Tiefgarage with Barbara Schöneberger wartet under Boris Becker in the Toilette hinterläuft.” Statistics are very good, the star boyfriends and wives have started. «Zu 99 Prozent clappt das auch.»

A Lieblings autogram with a Sammlung cannot appear in Bach. Aber: “Their people lie, since they have been affected by my life.” Pierre Littbarski is a small personal person who created autograms – the autogram, with dem 1993 for everything that happened.

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