
Vendee Globe in NDR Livestream

Vendee Globe in NDR Livestream

Boris Herrmann for the Start of the Vendée Globe Photo: AFP/SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS

At the Vendée Globe, the highest prosperity for Soloists, it is the German Segelstar Boris Herrmann at Start. Der Hamburgerhoed Siegchancen.

This woman starts the best wellness study for soloists. In the Port of Les Sables-d’Olonne and the French Atlantic Coast and the Race Village streams in the week before the start of the Vendée Globe am Sonntag (1.02 pm) Hunderttausende Fans. Bei der Vor-Corona-Auflage 2016/2017 kamen zum Start en zu de Zieleinläufen rund 2,25 Millionen Besucher.

The NDR starts with the livestream.

The German Segelstar Boris Herrmann tritt zum zweiten Mal an. Bei seiner Premiere 2020/2021 erreichte there Platz fun. These years started with the 43rd edition of the “Malizia – Seaexplorer” at the Kreis der PodiumCandidates.

Vendée Globe – 40 Boote since dabei

40 Boote sind dabei – the bislang largest Vendée-Globe-Flotte. 34 Men and women can enjoy the support of non-stop solo living in our world. 14 Starter bowls from außerhalb France. Darunter photos of Schweizer Oliver Heer, Alan Roura and Justine Mettraux of the largest niece-Französische Gruppe. Youngest Teilnehmerin ist mit 23 Jahren die Französin Violetta Dorange (“Devenir”). The Ältester Starter is the Landsmann Jean Le Cam (65) at the signaler Sechsten Teilnahme.

How are you going to boot in the Vendée Globe?

The result was Boote vom Typ Imoca (Kurzform für: International Monohull Open Class Association). The hull flange is designed at 18.28 meters (60 meters), the Breite at a maximum of 5.85 meters. The Mast is not higher than 29 meters and the Keel is not higher than 4.50 meters. The Mehrheit der Vendée-Globe-Imocas plays with foils (Tragflächen). The young people were born in 2023, the last year was 19 years old. From 35,000 Stunden Arbeit a new boat was used in the Entwicklung, up to 50,000 Stunden Bauzeit was used.

At the Vendée Globe gold plated is the fastest of the Erdumrundung zu sein. Photo: Team Malizia/Antoine Auriol

Vendée Globe – on the fastest road in the world

The Vendée globe seeks its story on the classic fast route to the world of 24,300 Seemeilen (45,000 kilometers) – one stop: from Les Sables-d’Olonne to the Atlantic Ocean behind South-South. The Route travels through the South Lake and the three major Kaps: Kap der Guten Hoffnung (South Africa), Kap Leeuwin (Australia) and Kap Hoorn (Chile). It is one of the most popular sights that will visit the Atlantic Ocean in the Start and Zielhafen. Gerechnet wird – je nach Wind en Wetter – for de best met een renndauer van etwa 70 Tagen.

The Rekord has stopped since 2017 Armel Le Cléac’h with 74 Tagen, 3 Stunden, 35 Minuten en 46 Sekunden.

Von 200 Teilnehmern has found 114 the Vendée Globe

Nur 200 Herausforderer has started the premiere. 114 I’ve seen the Soul Line. Bislang hat das Rennen nur französische Sieger kürt. As one of the best Michel Desjoyeaux won the Vendée Globe twice in 2000/2001 and 2008/2009. As title editor, Yannick Bestaf is also available at 10. Aflage am Start.

Boris Herrmann started in 43 years with “Malizia – Seaexplorer” under the German flag in the second Vendée Globe. At the premiere, the most dramatic collision is with a fishing boat on the night that the podium is lost and war is waged on the Platz. Neben Herrmann was born in Munich as Deutsch-Französin Isabelle Joschke (47) and lived solo in the world of Einsatz. The “Macsf” Skipper was in his Premiere for four years with plenty of damage from the body.

All four of Franzosen’s top favorites: Charlie Dalin (‘Macif Santé Prévoyance’), Thomas Ruyant (‘Vulnerable’), Yoann Richomme (‘Paprec Arkéa’) and Jérémie Beyou (‘Charal’). Auch Herrmann and the British Samantha Davies (‘Initiatives-Cœur’) and Sam Goodchild (‘Vulnerable’) and other candidates became the Sieg of Podiumsplätze zugetraut.