
Jeden Mittwoch goes to Spittal

Jeden Mittwoch goes to Spittal

First impression of the New York City Marathon statt. Before 50 years old in the year 1974 he was born in Laufpioneerin Kathrine Switzer. This is one of the things that happened in the Frauen-Laufsport. Since 2012, the association “Club 261” has been founded in Österreich by Edith Zuschmann, under the name “261 Fearless” the Lauftreffs weltweit-statt. Ziel ist, Frauen durch das Laufen Mut zu vermitteln. If the man has the best recovery, the other man will change, and other people will rejoice too. On October 6, 2016 we attended the Lauftreff in Spittal for the first time. Due to a tragic accident, Heidi Semmler was invited to the initiator of the “Club 261 – der Frauenlauftreff” in Spittal.

After Tod in July, the power of the Lauftrainers Petra Müller and Michaela Sommeregger dies again. “It is its own war, but Heidi is a fact. There is a sense of frustration, it is a laurel wreath and a motivated movement. It’s a gift you can use. We meet our friends Mittwoch. In memory of this, you would not hesitate to meet in Spittal,” said Müller. The Lauf-Club zählt rund 20 Frauen unterschiedlicher Altersklasses. Jeden Mittwoch, at 6 p.m., will meet his beim Parkplatz des Erlebnisbad Drautalperle, a gemeinsam a Runde zu laufen. “The meetings will take place in Wetter and jeder Jahreszeit statt. It is a good Leistungsdruck, der Spaß immer im Vordergrund“, so the Lauftrainerin more.

Skiing with Spaß

Jede Einheit ran 60 minutes. There is no question of a stunde being played now, while the power of the poise or balance is increased by playing a manchmaal on the line, one of the Ganze games. Eighteen years ago, the goose course to train, or the Muskelaufbau zählt zu the most important souls,” said Sommeregger. The cross-country route varies and makes for a fast kilometer. “We will always be able to sail in another stretch – even in the Drau entlang, then in the city. Was immer gleich ist, ist der Start- und Endpunkt bei der Drautalperle“, ergänzt Summeregger.

Jede Frau of 16 years is ready to respond to an attack or a fortress written. The two Lauftrainerinnen said: “We find a pace, that’s what you say and it’s not as good as you deserve. It is all that being Kaffeeklatsch, when you are in the foreground that you move and exercise with your machine.”

The racing trainers Michaela Sommeregger and Petra Müller

The racing trainers Michaela Sommeregger and Petra Müller

© KLZ/Leonie Katholnig

Gemeinsam als Gruppe nehmen is een regularie und Wohltätigkeitsläufen, wie de Herzlauf, de Frauenlauf or bij de “Wings for Life World Run” teil. The motto is “Gemeinsam fit bleiben” in the foreground, as long as we are happy. “Man stays fit, strengthens his joint body, who cares about his health and produces Glückshormone. It is true that a new friendship has emerged,” we said in a long time.

Teilnahme ohne notification

Women can spend their time meeting at the Drautalperle bowls – ohne Meldung. The first time you pay a price is a cost savings of 30 euros. Mitzubringen are gemütliche and wetter clothing, the Laufschuhe sees in the thin clothing Jahreszeiten Reflektoren. The success of the game is: if someone can’t do it, the person can’t be guilty, but he doesn’t even qualify. Contact for Rückfragen: Petra Müller, Telefon 0664-464 09 75.