
Partei: Jugendsession provides mobility and an enormous amount of healthcare

Partei: Jugendsession provides mobility and an enormous amount of healthcare

Warb für real conversation: Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd und der diesjährigen Jugendsession.
Warb für real conversation: Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd und der diesjährigen Jugendsession.


The components of the Jugendsession have been available for a long time. This is a meeting with other bright intellectuals, enormous capabilities and mobility. Am Samstag sprachen die Jungen met Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd.

Die teilten de Organizers am Sonntagabend mit. Während four days, 200 young people between the ages of 14 and 21 were in the Federal House of Sisters. Other people discuss the themes of the labor group and absolution in the Anschluss-zwölf Forderungen.

This issue is taking place on the intelligent intelligence, mental health concerns the mobility and the problems in the session of the Sonntag and the National Council President Eric Nussbaumer (SP/BL) is at work.

During the youth prize, the jewels represent a special political commitment for the youth, who spend a year in the Stop Suicide organization. You will find the suicide prevention of a Jugendlichen. It is worthwhile to invest in an organization from the region of the global community in the coming years.

Amherd wirbt für real Gespräche

Together with the young people with Federal President Viola Amherd. Sie concrete in ihrer Ansprache die Wichtigkeit von openen Diskussionen – «in a time, in the es unserer Gesellschaft zunehmen schwerfällt, real Gespräche – von Angesicht zu Angesicht – zu führen». If you do a search, «Patience, Time and Will, another piece of work».

Der Mut en het Zuversicht, sich with all zeugung für eine Sache zu engagieren; That’s the truth, which exceeds the walking of the season. Now that democracy is so grim, the occupation of the citizens and citizens of all generations is active, and its compromises.

Gerade de Fähigkeit zum Kompromiss sei keine Selbstverständlichkeit, your generation is more than willing to learn themselves and care for themselves. If you are free, the learning moments and the Jugendsession will übt this quality of quality with so much Leidenschaft.

sir, sda