
Was Unternehmer Peter Spuhler über Donald Trump said

economics politics

«Das is een Witz»: Was Peter Spuhler the boss of Donald Trump – and was the Kanzler candidate Merz in a text message

Donald Trump’s Wahl of the American president and the sister organization of the German Ampel-Regierung were central themes at the symposium of the Zürcher Efficiency-Clubs. The high punk was put together by AfD chief Alice Weidel.

Unternehmer Peter Spuhler released his doubts about his representation, the Bundesrat zurzeit with EU trade.

Unternehmer Peter Spuhler released his doubts about his representation, the Bundesrat zurzeit with EU trade.

Image: Markus Senn

AfD Federal Chancellor candidate Alice Weidel, Unternehmer Peter Spuhler, Bank Manager and Buchautor Josef Ackermann, Modeunternehmer Daniel Grieder von Hugo Boss: At the “Let’s talk” Symposium of the Zurich Efficiency Clubs traten am Samstag in the Zurich Kongresszentrum klingende Namen auf.

The Club has established dialogue in economics. The current events start in 2024, just before the end of the American presidential candidate – and the American Ampel government.

There are more interests in the discussions with colleague Peter Spuhler and AfD candidate Alice Weidel. “Es rumpelt an alle Ecken und Enden,” says Spuhler in the conversation with “Bilanz” chef Dirk Schütz with his current affairs Lage.

For Stadler Rail, the situation in German politics is greater in the US, concrete Spuhler. Our political rulers are not Hehl. “I’m happy, that’s a long time since Friedrich Merz – there war 14 years ago – bald Kanzler would put an end to a good bourgeois economic policy,” he said. The big question is: With welchen Partnersn?

Daniel Grieder, CEO of Hugo Boss, heads the Geschäftsleuten, both of whom, Marken

Daniel Grieder, CEO of Hugo Boss, heads the Geschäftsleuten, which includes both brands “Hugo” and “Boss” who hold the power in the Fashion Markets.

Image: Markus Senn

Das «Volgas»-SMS and Kanzlercandidate Merz

Merz würde Deutschland als Kanzler «sehr gut» tun, concrete Spuhler. There is drücke ihm die Daumen. Der Unternehmer knows that the CDU candidates have received a text message – with a central message: “Full throttle!”

Deutschland has started a Sünden analysis in Angela Merkel’s Kanzlerzeit, Spuhler’s analysis. There is a list of the consequences of the signal signal on: If 50 Prozent der Wähler statliche Transferzahlungen erhielten, while it was not. You can use the Atomkraftwerke and a Verbot from Verbrenner motors as a central Fehler from 2030. “That since Einschnitte in de Wirtschaft, the fatal Folgen has been possible.”

Bank manager and accountant Josef Ackermann on the stage of the Zürcher Kongresshauses.

Bank manager and accountant Josef Ackermann on the stage of the Zürcher Kongresshauses.

Image: Markus Senn

Was de Beziehung der Schweiz zur EU-betrifft, steht Spuhler für «regular Verhältnisse». Bilaterals I and II have done their best. Beim Rahmenabkommen has found a man who was packed inside. “That was a clear day for me,” he said. If the new government was involved, the government of the Bundesrat was the Ergebnisse ab. Spuhler lies about Skepsis through time. Filled mass is not important, it works out fine. It is related to the setzesnachvollzug with the journey. “We can no longer integrate the population of the city of St. Gallen in Switzerland.”

Moderator Schütz, who had never been to Donald Trump’s Behauptung, was in the Krieg in Ukraine 24 weeks ago. «Passiert das?», fragment is the Unternehmer, zomal dieser nor a Fabrik in Weissrussland owns. Spuhlers Antwort: «That is a Witz.» And after kurzem Schweigen: “That is nothing of the only Witz, it is a gift.” Das Publikum responded with laughter and applause.

Many people who have been given a Waffenstillstand over time are now released, the man of Ukraine frees a large part of the way in the country, while the Spuhler is murdered. “As a Schweizer and as a liberal thinker, a person cannot do anything good.”

Alice Weidel’s Liebeserklärung

The AfD Candidate continues in this way at the Symposium des Efficiency Clubs. They are interested in collaborating with a life partner of Sarah Bossard.

The AfD Candidate continues in this way at the Symposium des Efficiency Clubs. They are interested in collaborating with a life partner of Sarah Bossard.

Image: Valentin Hehli/MAN

The highlights of the symposia include Alice Weidel. The Co-Bundess President of the AfD, Co-Vorsitzende der AfD-Bundestagsfraktion and Kanzlercandidate have an unusually private page. If you want Hunderten van Geschäftsleuten in the Zürcher Kongresszentrum with a Liebeserklärung and your Ehefrau Sarah Bossard sitting in the Publikum: «Sarah, ich liebe dich!».

If you have a party of moderator Reto Brennwald, the Weidel crowd is huge. The moderator of Weidel was as a chef of the AfD bedeute, who said Schweizer Dunkelhäutig with Sri Lankan Wurzeln. Weidel konterte sofort: «I have my own stories, I am not far from home. I had a wonderful wife.” And when the lies follow, there is applause.