
Rund 745,000: Generalsanierung des Drauradweges startet

Rund 745,000: Generalsanierung des Drauradweges startet

The development of Radinfrastruktur is one of the most important areas for the Carinthian Country, including the Ausbau of überregionale Radwegen, which is located on the Drauradweg zählt. It is possible that the national government now has a budget in the amount of two million euros. „Soul is the same, for regions with important radical projects for the future of the bzw. auf Schiene alles zu können“, erklärt Landeshauptmannstellvertreter and Straßenbaureferent Martin Gruber (ÖVP). Davon has won 1.2 million euros for the maintenance of the R1 Drauradweges, despite the fact that he has never started. The Drauradweg will cover the few Europeans, the German racing club ADFC with 5 stars. “Um die Zertifizierung langfristig abzusichern, ist een inteppenweise Generalsanierung des Qualitätsradweges unbedingt inheritedorderlich”, so Gruber.

Starts for sanitation on the Drauradweg: LHStv. Martin Gruber mit Arbeitern des Straßenbauamtes Wolfsberg (here I am R1 near Dullach)

Starts for sanitation on the Drauradweg: LHStv. Martin Gruber mit Arbeitern des Straßenbauamtes Wolfsberg (here I am R1 near Dullach)

© Büro LHStv. Gruber/Gamper

With the start of work, the end of the Radlsaison Zugewartet can take place. Daher will start the first three Bauabschnitte in South Carinth in November. The length of 11.4 kilometers is from Ferlach to Annabrücke in Gallizien. A new Deckschicht will be discussed here next week. If the Vellachbrücke and the Annabrücke are on the Radweg, things don’t get any better and in Dullach near Tainach preparatory work is being carried out to make the Draubrücke Tainach-Stein fortified. In total, less than 745,000 euros were spent in these Baumaßnahmen.

If you concrete, you went to the Eisenbahnbrücke Tainach highway. Here you will think longer about a proposal for a council meeting. Jedoch knows that it is not owned by ÖBB. If you can no longer use the land, you can start planning. It may be that one of the Radwegbrücken will be removed and led directly to the Drauradweg. “Dadurch wäre een Radverbindung zischen dem Kärntner Zentralraum und der Region Südkärnten geschaffen“, unterstreicht Gruber die Bedeutung des Projects. The construction costs were estimated at one million euros at the time. A Baustart could follow 2026.