
Explosion und Flugzeug kurz nach dem Start: Notlandung weg Feuer | News

Explosion und Flugzeug kurz nach dem Start: Notlandung weg Feuer | News

Rom – Schock für 249 Passenger auf ihrem Flug von Italy nach China. Now we have a few moments after the start of the work of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Flammen!

I started the Maschine der Gesellschaft Hainan Airlines vom Flughafen “Leonardo da Vinci” at Rom (Italian) in Richtung Shenzhen in China. A plate of food Flugzeuges: 249 Passage and crew. The airports are located in the remote Nähe zum Mittelmeer.

Flug starts with Explosion and Feuer

Kurz nach dem Start mark a segment on the middle lake an explosion, see who flames from the triebwerk of the Dreamliners schlagen, i.e. the Italian Zeitung “La Stampa”. After the police were informed, they reported an explosion in the Flugzeug. At 10.20 am the Coastal Watch was alerted. Two days of skiing, for the fall there are no obstacles.

The Pilot of Boeing dreht a few cattle in the middle lake, a kerosene absorber. Immer nor helle Flamen from their rights Triebwerk. The machine then runs after 20 minutes from – leave the airport at Rom.

The Dreamliner dreams of a run on the middle lake with a high trawl before the flight to the flight

The Dreamliner dreams of a run on the middle lake with a high trawl before the flight to the flight

Flugzeug kehrt für Notlandung zurück

Der Pilot muss zur Notlandung answers: We will be happy to inform you that the “Leonardo da Vinci” Flughafen will be there soon. The landing began at 11:06 am, the machine continued. All 249 passengers can travel safely without having to travel.

The Ursache for the Treibwerks fire is borrowed by experts. It’s a bird blow if it’s vermutet. The passengers can be an angeboten ihre Travel fortsetting with another machine.